c++ 有着很长远的历史,接下来我们就来看看c++ 的发展历史。(1979− 1991)
本文概述了c++编程语言的历史。重点在于形成语言的思想、约束和人,而不是语言特征的细枝末节。讨论了与语言特性相关的关键设计决策,但重点是总体设计目标和实际限制。c++的发展可以追溯到从C with Classes到现在的ANSI和ISO标准工作,以及使用、兴趣、商业活动、编译器、工具、环境和库的爆发。
1 Introduction
C++ was designed to provide Simula’s facilities for program organization together with C’s efficiency and flexibility for systems programming. It was intended to deliver that to real projects
within half a year of the idea. It succeeded.
At the time, I realized neither the modesty nor the preposterousness of that goal. The goal was
modest in that it did not involve innovation, and preposterous in both its time scale and its Draconian demands on efficiency and flexibility. While a modest amount of innovation did emerge
over the years, efficiency and flexibility have been maintained without compromise. While the
goals for C++ have been refined, elaborated, and made more explicit over the years, C++ as used
today directly reflects its original aims.
This paper is organized in roughly chronological order:
§2 C with Classes: 1979– 1983. This section describes the fundamental design decisions for
C++ as they were made for C++’s immediate predecessor.
§3 From C with Classes to C++: 1982– 1985. This section describes how C++ evolved from
C with Classes up until the first commercial release and the printing of the book that
defined C++ in October 1985.
§4 Release 2.0: 1985– 1988. This section describes how C++ evolved during the early years
of commercial availability.
§5 The Explosion in Interest and Use: 1987– . This section deals with non− language factors,
such as the growth of a C++ tools and library industry. It also tries to estimate the impact
of commercial competition on the development of C++.
§6 Standardization: 1988– . This section describes the way C++ continues to evolve under the
pressures of heavy use in diverse application areas, and how the C++ community handles
this challenge through formal ISO and ANSI standardization.
§7 Retrospective. This section considers how C++ met its design goals, how it might have
been a better language, and how it might become an even more useful tool.
Most effort have been expended on the early years because the design decisions taken early determined the further development of the language. It is also easier to maintain a historical
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perspective when one has had many years to observe the consequences of decisions.
Essential language features are presented to make this paper approachable by a non− C++ specialist. However, the emphasis in on the people, ideas, and constraints that shaped C++ rather
than on detailed descriptions of those language features or their use. For a description of what
C++ is today and how to use it see [Stroustrup,1991]†.
2 C with Classes
C++ evolved from an earlier version called C with Classes. The work and experience with C with
Classes from 1979 to 1983 determined the shape of C++.
2.1 Prehistory
The prehistory of C++ – the couple of years before the idea of adding Simula− like features to C
occurred to me – is important because during this time the criteria and ideals that later shaped
C++ emerged. I was working on my Ph.D. thesis in the Computing Laboratory of Cambridge
University in England. My aim was to study alternatives for the organization of system software
for a distributed system. The conceptual framework was provided by the capability− based Cambridge CAP computer and its experimental and continuously evolving operating system. The
details of this work and its outcome [Stroustrup,1979a] are of little relevance to C++. What is relevant, though, was the focus on composing software out of well− delimited modules and that the
main experimental tool was a relatively large and detailed simulator I wrote for simulating software running on a distributed system.
The initial version of this simulator was written in Simula and ran on the Cambridge University computer center’s IBM 360/165 mainframe. It was a pleasure to write that simulator. The
features of Simula were almost ideal for the purpose and I was particularly impressed by the way
the concepts of the language helped me think about the problems in my application. The class
concept allowed me to map my application concepts into the language constructs in a direct way
that made my code more readable than I had seen in any other language. The way Simula classes
can act as co− routines made the inherent concurrency of my application easy to express. For
example, an object of class computer could trivially be made to work in pseudo− parallel with
other objects of class computer. Class hierarchies were used to express variants of application
level concepts. For example, different types of computers could be expressed as classes derived
from class computer and different types of inter− module communication mechanisms could be
expressed as classes derived from class IPC. The use of class hierarchies was not heavy, though;
the use of classes to express concurrency was much more important in the organization of my
During writing and initial debugging I acquired a great respect for the expressiveness of
Simula’s type system and the ability of its compiler’s ability to catch type errors. The observation was that a type error almost invariably reflected either a silly programming error or a conceptual flaw in the design. The latter was by far the most significant and a help that I had not experienced in the use of more primitive ‘‘strong’’ type systems. In contrast, I had found Pascal’s type
system worse than useless – a strait jacket that caused more problems than it solved by forcing
me to warp my designs to suit an implementation− oriented artifact. The perceived contrast
between the rigidity of Pascal and the flexibility of Simula was essential for the development of
C++. Simula’s class concept was seen as the key difference and ever since I have seen classes as
the proper primary focus of program design.
† Author’s note: It is now 1995 – 4 years since I first completed this paper. Rather than rewriting major sections of
this paper to for the final book, I have added footnotes where needed to reflect recent events. Most of the themes of
this paper are explored further in [Stroustrup,1994]. So are many issues related to the design and evolution that
couldn’t be included here.
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I had used Simula before (during my studies at the University of Aarhus, Denmark), but was
very pleasantly surprised by the way the mechanisms of the Simula language became increasingly
helpful as the size of the program increased. The class and co− routine mechanisms of Simula and
the comprehensive type checking mechanisms ensured that problems and errors did not (as I –
and I guess most people – would have expected) grow linearly or more than linearly with the size
of the program. Instead, the total program acted more like a collection of small (and therefore
easy to write, comprehend, and debug) programs rather than a single large program.
The implementation of Simula, however, did not scale in the same way and as a result the
whole project came close to disaster. My conclusion at the time was that the Simula implementation (as opposed to the Simula language) was geared to relatively small programs and was inherently unsuited for larger programs [Stroustrup,1979a]. Link times for separately compiled classes
were abysmal: It took longer to compile 1/30th of the program and link it to a precompiled version of the rest than it took to compile and link the program as a monolith. This I believe to be
more a problem with the mainframe linker than with Simula, but it was still a burden. On top of
that, the run− time performance was such that there was no hope of using the simulator to obtain
real data. The poor run− time characteristics were a function of the language and its implementation rather than a function of the application. The overhead problems were fundamental to Simula and could not be remedied. The cost arose from several language features and their interactions: run− time type checking, guaranteed initialization of variables, concurrency support, and
garbage collection of both user− allocated objects and procedure activation records. For example,
measurements showed that more than 80% of the time was spent in the garbage collector despite
the fact that resource management was part of the the simulated system so that no garbage was
ever produced. Simula implementations are better these days (15 years later), but the order− of−
magnitude improvement relative to systems programming languages still has not (to the best of
my knowledge) materialized.
To avoid terminating the project I re− wrote the simulator in BCPL and ran it on the experimental CAP computer. The experience of coding and debugging the simulator in BCPL was horrible. BCPL makes C look like a very high level language and provides absolutely no type checking or run− time support. The resulting simulator did, however, run suitably fast and gave a whole
range of useful results that clarified many issues for me and provided the basis for several papers
on operating system issues [Stroustrup,1978] [Stroustrup,1979b] [Stroustrup,1981a].
Upon leaving Cambridge, I swore never again to attack a problem with tools as unsuitable as
those I had suffered while designing and implementing the simulator. The significance of this to
C++ was the notion I had evolved of what constituted a ‘‘suitable tool’’ for projects such as the
writing of a significant simulator, an operating system, and similar systems programming tasks:
[1] A good tool would have Simula’s support for program organization – that is, classes, some
form of class hierarchies, some form of support for concurrency, and strong (that is, static)
checking of a type system based on classes. This I saw as support for the process of
inventing programs, as support for design rather than just support for implementation.
[2] A good tool would produce programs that ran as fast as BCPL programs and share BCPL’s
ability to easily combine separately compiled units into a program. A simple linkage convention is essential for combining units written in languages such as C, Algol68, Fortran,
BCPL, assembler, etc., into a single program and thus not to get caught by inherent limitations in a single language.
[3] A good tool should also allow for highly portable implementations. My experience was
that the ‘‘good’’ implementation I needed would typically not be available until ‘‘next
year’’ and only on a machine I couldn’t afford. This implied that a tool must have multiple
sources of implementations (no monopoly would be sufficiently responsive to users of
‘‘unusual’’ machines and to poor graduate students), that there should be no complicated
run− time support system to port, and that there should be only very limited integration
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between the tool and its host operating system.
Not all of these criteria were fully formed when I left Cambridge, but several were and more
matured on further reflection on my experience with the simulator, on programs written over the
next couple of years, and on the experiences of others as learned through discussions and reading
of code. C++ as defined at the time of release 2.0 strictly fulfills these criteria; the fundamental
tensions in the effort to design templates and exception handling mechanisms for C++ arise from
the need to depart from some aspects of these criteria. I think the most important aspect of these
criteria is that they are only loosely connected with specific programming language features.
Rather, they specify constraints on a solution.
My background in operating systems work and my interest in modularization and communication had permanent effects on C++. The C++ model of protection, for example, is based on the
notion of granting and transferring access rights, the distinction between initialization and assignment has its root in thoughts about transferring capabilities, and the design of C++’s exception
handling mechanism was influenced by work on fault tolerant systems done by Brian Randell’s
group in Newcastle in the seventies.
2.2 The Birth of C with Classes
The work on what eventually became C++ started with an attempt to analyze the UNIX kernel to
determine to what extent it could be distributed over a network of computers connected by a local
area network. This work started in April of 1979 in the Computing Science Research Center of
Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Jersey, where I have worked ever since. Two sub−
problems soon emerged: how to analyze the network traffic that would result from the kernel distribution and how to modularize the kernel. Both required a way to express the module structure
of a complex system and the communication pattern of the modules. This was exactly the kind of
problem that I had become determined never to attack again without proper tools. Consequently,
I set about developing a proper tool according to the criteria I had formed in Cambridge.
In October of 1979 I had a pre− processor, called Cpre, that added Simula− like classes to C running and in March of 1980 this pre− processor had been refined to the point where it supported one
real project and several experiments. My records show the pre− processor in use on 16 systems by
then. The first key C++ library, the task system supporting a co− routine style of programming
[Stroustrup,1980b] [Stroustrup,1987b] [Shopiro,1987], was crucial to the usefulness of ‘‘C with
Classes,’’ as the language accepted by the pre− processor was called, in these projects.
During the April to October period the transition from thinking about a ‘‘tool’’ to thinking
about a ‘‘language’’ had occurred, but C with Classes was still thought of primarily as an extension to C for expressing modularity and concurrency. A crucial decision had been made, though.
Even though support of concurrency and Simula− style simulations was a primary aim of C with
Classes, the language contained no primitives for expressing concurrency; rather, a combination
of inheritance (class hierarchies) and the ability to define class member functions with special
meanings recognized by the pre− processor was used to write the library that supported the desired
styles of concurrency. Please note that ‘‘styles’’ is plural. I considered it crucial – as I still do –
that more than one notion of concurrency should be expressible in the language. This decision
has been reconfirmed repeatedly by me and my colleagues, by other C++ users, and by the C++
standards committee. There are many applications for which support for concurrency is essential,
but there is no one dominant model for concurrency support; thus when support is needed it
should be provided through a library or a special purpose extension so that a particular form of
concurrency support does not preclude other forms.
Thus, the language provided general mechanisms for organizing programs rather than support
for specific application areas. This was what made C with Classes and later C++ a general−
purpose language rather than a C variant with extensions to support specialized applications.
Later, the choice between providing support for specialized applications or general abstraction
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mechanisms has come up repeatedly. Each time the decision has been to improve the abstraction
An early description of C with Classes was published as a Bell Labs technical report in April
1980 [Stroustrup,1980a] and later in SIGPLAN Notices. The SIGPLAN paper was in April 1982
followed by a more detailed Bell Labs technical report Adding Classes to the C Language: An
Exercise in Language Evolution [Stroustrup,1982] that was later published in Software: Practice
and Experience. These papers set a good example by describing only features that were fully
implemented and had been used. This was in accordance with a long standing tradition of Bell
Labs Computing Science Research Center; that policy has been modified only where more openness about the future of C++ became needed to ensure a free and open debate over the evolution
of C++ among its many non− AT&T users.
C with Classes was explicitly designed to allow better organization of programs; ‘‘computation’’ was considered a problem solved by C. I was very concerned that improved program structure was not achieved at the expense of run− time overheads compared to C. The explicit aim was
to match C in terms of run− time, code compactness, and data compactness. To wit: Someone
once demonstrated a 3% systematic decrease in overall run− time efficiency compared with C.
This was considered unacceptable and the overhead promptly removed. Similarly, to ensure layout compatibility with C and thereby avoid space overheads, no ‘‘house− keeping data’’ was
placed in class objects.
Another major concern was to avoid restrictions on the domain where C with Classes could be
used. The ideal – which was achieved – was that C with Classes could be used for whatever C
could be used for. This implied that in addition to matching C in efficiency, C with Classes could
not provide benefits at the expense of removing ‘‘dangerous’’ or ‘‘ugly’’ features of C. This
observation/principle had to be repeated often to people (rarely C with Classes users) who wanted
C with Classes made safer by increasing static type checking along the lines of early Pascal. The
alternative way of providing ‘‘safety,’’ inserting run− time checks for all unsafe operations, was
(and is) considered reasonable for debugging environments but the language could not guarantee
such checks without leaving C with a large advantage in run− time and space efficiency. Consequently, such checks were not provided for C with Classes, though C++ environments exist that
provide such checks for debugging. In addition, users can and do insert run− time checks (assertions [Stroustrup,1991]) where needed and affordable.
C allows quite low− level operations such as bit manipulation and choosing between different
sizes of integers. There are also facilities, such as explicit unchecked type conversions, for deliberately breaking the type system. C with Classes and later C++ follow this path by retaining the
low− level and unsafe features of C. In contrast to C, C++ systematically eliminates the need to
use such features except where they are essential and performs unsafe operations only at the
explicit request of the programmer. I strongly felt then, as I still do, that there is no one right way
of writing every program and a language designer has no business of trying to force programmers
to use a particular style. The language designer does, on the other hand, have an obligation to
encourage and support a variety of styles and practices that have proven effective and to provide
language features and tools to help programmers avoid the well known traps and pitfalls.
2.3 Feature overview
The features provided in the initial 1980 implementation can be summarized:
[1] classes,
[2] derived classes,
[3] public/private access control,
[4] constructors and destructors,
[5] call and return functions (§2.4.8),
[6] friend classes,
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[7] type checking and conversion of function arguments
During 1981 three more features were added:
[8] inline functions,
[9] default arguments,
[10] overloading of the assignment operator
Since a pre− processor was used for the implementation of C with Classes, only new features,
that is features not present in C, needed to be described and the full power of C was directly available to users. Both of these aspects were appreciated at the time. Having C as a subset dramatically reduced the support and documentation work needed. This was most important because for
several years I did all of the C with Classes and later C++ documentation and support in addition
to doing the experimentation, design, and implementation. Having all C features available further
ensured that no limitations introduced through prejudice or lack of foresight on my part would
deprive a user of features already available in C. Naturally, portability to machines supporting C
was ensured. Initially, C with Classes was implemented and used on a DEC PDP/11 but soon it
was ported to machines such as DEC VAX and Motorola 68000 based machines.
C with Classes was still seen as a dialect of C. Furthermore, classes were referred to as ‘‘An
Abstract Data Type Facility for the C Language’’ [Stroustrup,1980a]. Support for object− oriented
programming was not claimed until the provision of virtual functions in C++ in 1983
2.4 Feature Details
Clearly, the most important aspect of C with Classes – and later of C++ – was the class concept.
Many aspects of the C with Classes class concept can be observed by examining a simple example from [Stroustrup,1980a]:
class stack {
char s[SIZE]; / array of characters /
char min; / pointer to bottom of stack /
char top; / pointer to top of stack /
char max; / pointer to top of allocated space /
void new(); / initialization function (constructor) /
void push(char);
char pop();
A class is a user− defined data type. A class specifies the type of the class members that define the
representation of a variable of the type (an object of the class), specifies the set of operations
(functions) that manipulate such objects, and specifies the access users have to these members.
Member functions are typically defined ‘‘elsewhere:’’
char stack.pop()
if (top <= min) error("stack underflow");
return (−−top);
Objects of class stack can now be defined and used:
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class stack s1, s2; / two variables of class ‘stack’ /
class stack p1 = &s2; / ‘p1’ points to ‘s2’ /
class stack p2 = new stack; / ‘p2’ points to stack object
allocated on free store /
s1.push(’h’); / use object directly /
p1−>push(’s’); / use object through pointer /
Several key design decisions are reflected here:
[1] C with Classes follows Simula in letting the programmer specify types from which variables (objects) can be created, rather than, say, the Modula approach of specifying a module as a collection of objects and functions. In C with Classes (as in C++), a class is a type.
This is a key notion in C++. When class means user− defined type in C++ why didn’t I
call it type? I chose class primarily because I dislike inventing new terminology and
found Simula’s quite adequate in most cases.
[2] The representation of objects of the user− defined type is part of the class declaration. This
has far− reaching implications. For example, it means that true local variables can be implemented without the use of free store (heap store, dynamic store) or garbage collection. It
also means that a function must be recompiled the representation of an object it uses
directly is changed. See §4.3 for C++ facilities for expressing interfaces that avoid such
[3] Compile time access control is used to restrict access to the representation. By default,
only the functions mentioned in the class declaration can use names of class members.
Members (usually function members) specified in the public interface – the declarations
after the public: label – can be used by other code.
[4] The full type (including both the return type and the argument types) of a function is specified for function members. Static (compile− time) type checking is based on this type specification. This differed from C at the time, where function argument types were neither
specified in interfaces nor checked in calls.
[5] Function definitions are typically specified ‘‘elsewhere’’ to make a class more like an
interface specification than a lexical mechanism for organizing source code. This implies
that separate compilation for class member functions and their users is easy and the linker
technology traditionally used for C is sufficient to support C++.
[6] The function new() is a constructor, a function with a special meaning to the compiler.
Such functions provided guarantees about classes. In this case, the guarantee is that the
constructor – known somewhat confusingly as a new− function at the time – is guaranteed
to be called to initialize every object of its class before the first use of the object.
[7] Both pointers and non− pointer types are provided (as in both C and Simula).
Much of the further development of C with Classes and C++ can be seen as exploring the consequences of these design choices, exploiting their good sides, and compensating for the problems
caused by their bad sides. Many, but by no means all, of the implications of these design choices
were understood at the time; [Stroustrup,1980a] is dated April 3, 1980. This section tries to
explain what was understood at the time and give pointers to sections explaining later consequences and realizations.
2.4.1 Run− time Efficiency
In Simula, it is not possible to have local or global variables of class types; that is, every object of
a class must be allocated on the free store using the new operator. Measurements of my Cambridge simulator had convinced me that this was a major source of inefficiency. Later, Karel
Babcisky from the Norwegian Computer Centre presented data on Simula run− time performance
that confirmed my conjecture [Babcisky,1984]. For that reason alone, I wanted global and local
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variables of class types.
In addition, having different rules for the creation and scope of built− in and user− defined types
is inelegant and I felt that on occasion my programming style had been cramped by absence of
local and global class variables in Simula. Similarly, I had on occasion missed the ability to have
pointers to built− in types in Simula so I wanted the C notion of pointers to apply uniformly over
user− defined and built− in types. This is the origin of the notion that over the years grew into a
‘‘principle’’ for C++: User− defined and built− in types should behave the same relative to the language rules and receive the same degree of support from the language and its associated tools.
When the ideal was formulated built− in types received by far the best support, but C++ has overshot that target so that built− in types now receive slightly inferior support compared to user−
defined types.
The initial version of C with Classes did not provide inline functions to take further advantage
of the availability of the representation. Inline functions were soon provided, though. The general reason for the introduction of inline functions was worry that the cost of crossing a protection
barrier would cause people to refrain from using classes to hide representation. In particular,
[Stroustrup,1982] observes that people had made data members public to avoid the function call
overhead incurred by a constructor for simple classes where only one or two assignments are
needed for initialization. The immediate cause for the inclusion of inline functions into C with
Classes was a project that couldn’t afford function call overhead for some classes involved in
real− time processing.
Over the years considerations along these lines grew into the C++ ‘‘principle’’ that it was not
sufficient to provide a feature, it had to be provided in an affordable form. Most definitely,
‘‘affordable’’ was seen as meaning ‘‘affordable on hardware common among developers’’ as
opposed to ‘‘affordable to researchers with high− end equipment’’ or ‘‘affordable in a couple of
years when hardware will be cheaper.’’ C with Classes was always considered as something to be
used now or next month rather than simply a research project to deliver something for a couple of
years hence.
Inlining was considered important for the utility of classes and therefore the issue was more
how to provide it than whether to provide it. Two arguments won the day for the notion of having the programmer select which functions the compiler should try to inline. Firstly, I had poor
experiences with languages that left the job of inlining to compilers ‘‘because clearly the compiler
knows best.’’ The compiler only knows best if it has been programmed to inline and it has a
notion of time/space optimization that agrees with mine. My experience with other languages
was that only ‘‘the next release’’ would actually inline and it would do so according to an internal
logic that a programmer couldn’t effectively control. To make matters worse C (and therefore C
with Classes and later C++) has genuine separate compilation so that a compiler never has access
to more than a small part of the program (§2.4.2). Inlining a function for which you don’t know
the source appears feasible given advanced linker and optimizer technology, but such technology
wasn’t available at the time (and still isn’t in most environments). Furthermore, extensive global
analysis and optimization easily become unaffordable for large systems – where optimizations
are most critical. C with Classes was designed to deliver efficient code given a simple portable
implementation on traditional systems. Given that, the programmer had to help. Even today, the
choice seems right.
2.4.2 The Linkage Model
The issue of how separately compiled programs are linked together is critical for any programming language and to some extent determines the features the language can provide. One of the
critical influences on the development of C with Classes and C++ was the decision that
[1] Separate compilation should be possible with traditional C/Fortran UNIX/DOS style linkers.
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[2] Linkage should in principle be type safe.
[3] Linkage should not require any form of database (though one could be used to improve a
given implementation).
[4] Linkage to program fragments written in other languages such as C, assembler, and Fortran
should be easy and efficient.
C uses ‘‘header files’’ to ensure consistent separate compilation. Declarations of data structure
layouts, functions, variables, and constants are placed in header files that are typically textually
included into every source file that needs the declarations. Consistency is ensured by placing adequate information in the header files and ensuring that the header files are consistently included.
C++ follows this model up to a point.
The reason that layout information can be present in a C++ class declaration (though it doesn’t
have to be; see §4.3) is to ensure that the declaration and use of true local variables is easy and
efficient. For example:
void f()
stack s;
int c;
c = s.pop();
Using the stack declaration from §2.4, even a simple− minded C with Classes implementation
can ensure that no use is made of free store for this example, that the call of pop() is inlined so
that no function call overhead is incurred and that the non− inlined call of push() can invoke a
separately compiled function pop(). In this, C++ resembles Ada [Ichbiah,1979].
At the time, I felt that there was a tradeoff between having separate interface and implementation declarations (as in Modula2) plus a tool (linker) for matching them up, and having a single
class declaration plus a tool (a dependency analyzer) that considered the interface part separately
from the implementation details for the purposes of re− compilation. It appears that I underestimated the complexity of the latter and also that the proponents of the former approach underestimate the cost (in terms of porting problems and run time overheads) of the former.
The concern for simple− minded implementations was partly a necessity caused by the lack of
resources for developing C with Classes and partly a distrust of languages and mechanisms that
required ‘‘clever’’ techniques. An early formulation of a design goal was that C with Classes
‘‘should be implementable without using an algorithm more complicated than a linear search.’’
Wherever that rule of thumb was violated – as in the case of function overloading (§3.3.3) – it
led to semantics that were more complicated than anyone felt comfortable with and typically also
to implementation complications.
The aim – based on my Simula experience – was to design a language that would be easy
enough to understand to attract users and easy enough to implement to attract implementers.
Only if a relatively simple implementation could be used by a relatively novice user in a relatively unsupportive programming environment to deliver code that compared favorably with C
code in development time, correctness, run− time speed, and code size could C with Classes and
later C++ expect to survive in competition with C.
This was part of a philosophy of fostering self− sufficiency among users. The aim was always
– and explicitly – to develop local expertise in all aspects of using C++. Most organizations
must follow the exact opposite strategy. They keep users dependent on services that generates
revenue for a central support organization and/or consultants. In my opinion, this contrast is a
deep reason for some of the differences between C++ and many other languages.
The decision to work in the relatively primitive – and almost universally available – framework of the C linking facilities caused the fundamental problem that a C++ compiler must always
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work with only partial information about a program. An assumption made about a program could
possibly be violated by a program written tomorrow in some other language (such as C, Fortran,
or assembler) and linked in – possibly after the program has started executing. This problem surfaces in many contexts. It is hard for an implementation to guarantee
[1] that something is unique,
[2] that (type) information is consistent,
[3] that something is initialized.
In addition, C provides only the feeblest support for the notion of separate name spaces so that
avoiding name space pollution by separately written program segments becomes a problem. Over
the years, C++ has tried to face all of these challenges without departing from the fundamental
model and technology that gives portability, but in the C with Classes days we simply relied on
the C technique of header files.
Through the acceptance of the C linker came another ‘‘principle’’ for the development of C++:
C++ is just one language in a system and not a complete system. In other words, C++ accepts the
role of a traditional programming language with a fundamental distinction between the language,
the operating system, and other important parts of the programmer’s world. This delimits the role
of the language in a way that is hard to do for a language, such as Smalltalk or Lisp, that is conceived as a complete system or environment. It makes it essential that a C++ program fragment
can call program fragments written in other languages and that a C++ program fragment can itself
be called by program fragments written in other languages. Being ‘‘just a language’’ also allows
C++ implementations to benefit directly from tools written for other languages.
The need for a programming language and the code written in it to be just a cog in a much
larger machine is of utmost importance to most industrial users yet such co− existence with other
languages and systems was apparently not a major concern to most theoreticians, would− be perfectionists, and academic users. I believe this to be one of the main reasons for C++’s success.
2.4.3 Static Type Checking
I have no recollection of discussions, no design notes, and no recollection of any implementation
problems about the introduction of static (‘‘strong’’) type checking into C with Classes. The C
with Classes syntax and rules, the ones subsequently adopted for the ANSI C standard, simply
appeared fully formed in the first C with Classes implementation. After that, a minor series of
experiments led to the current (stricter) C++ rules. Static type checking was to me, after my experience with Simula and Algol68, a simple must and the only question was exactly how it was to
be added.
To avoid breaking C code, it was decided to allow the call of an undeclared function and not
perform type checking on such undeclared functions. This was of course a major hole in the type
system and several attempts were made to decrease its importance as the major source of programming errors before finally – in C++ – the hole was closed by making a call of an undeclared
function illegal. One simple observation defeated all attempts to compromise, and thus maintain
a greater degree of C compatibility: As programmers learned C with Classes they lost the ability
to find run− time errors caused by simple type errors. Having come to rely on the type checking
and type conversion provided by C with Classes or C++, they lost the ability to quickly find the
‘‘silly errors’’ that creep into C programs through the lack of checking. Further, they failed to
take the precautions against such silly errors that good C programmers take as a matter of course.
After all, ‘‘such errors don’t happen in C with Classes.’’ Thus, as the frequency of run− time
errors caused by uncaught argument type errors goes down their seriousness and the time needed
to find them goes up. The result was seriously annoyed programmers demanding further tightening of the type system.
The most interesting experiment with ‘‘incomplete static checking’’ was the technique of
allowing calls of undeclared functions, but noting the type of the arguments used so that a
Stroustrup – 11 – A History of C++
consistency check could be done when further calls were seen. When Walter Bright many years
later independently discovered this trick he named it ‘‘autoprototyping,’’ using the ANSI C term
prototype for a function declaration. The experience was that autoprototyping caught many errors
and initially increased a programmer’s confidence in the type system. However, since consistent
errors and errors in a function called only once in a compilation were not caught, autoprototyping
ultimately destroyed programmer confidence in the type checker and induced a sense of paranoia
even worse than I have seen in C or BCPL programmers.
C with Classes introduced the notation f(void) for a function f that takes no arguments as
a contrast to f() that in C declares a function that can take any number of arguments of any type
without any type check. My users soon convinced me, however, that the f(void) notation
wasn’t very elegant, and that having functions declared f() accept arguments wasn’t very intuitive. Consequently, the result of the experiment was to have f() mean a function f that takes
no arguments, as any novice would expect. It took support from both Doug McIlroy and Dennis
Ritchie for me to build up courage to make this break from C. Only after they used the word
abomination about f(void) did I dare give f() the obvious meaning. However, to this day
C’s type rules are much laxer than C++’s and any use of f() as a function declaration is incompatible between the two languages.
Another early attempt to tighten C with Classes’ type rules was to disallow ‘‘information
destroying’’ implicit conversions. Like others, I had been badly bitten by implicit long to int
and int to char conversions. I decided to try to ban all implicit conversions that were not
value preserving; that is, to require an explicit conversion operator wherever a larger object was
stored into a smaller. The experiment failed miserably. Every C program I looked at contained
large numbers of assignments of ints to char variables. Naturally, since these were working
programs, most of these assignments were perfectly safe. That is, either the value was small
enough not to become truncated or the truncation was expected or at least harmless in that particular context. There was no willingness in the C with Classes community to make such a break
from C. I’m still looking for ways to compensate for these problems.
2.4.4 Why C?
A common question at C with Classes presentations was ‘‘Why use C? Why didn’t you build on,
say, Pascal?’’ One version of my answer can be found in [Stroustrup,1986b]:
‘‘C is clearly not the cleanest language ever designed nor the easiest to use so why do so many
people use it?
[1] C is flexible: It is possible to apply C to most every application area, and to use most
every programming technique with C. The language has no inherent limitations that
preclude particular kinds of programs from being written.
[2] C is efficient: The semantics of C are ‘‘low level’’; that is, the fundamental concepts of
C mirror the fundamental concepts of a traditional computer. Consequently, it is relatively easy for a compiler and/or a programmer to efficiently utilize hardware resources
for a C program.
[3] C is available: Given a computer, whether the tiniest micro or the largest super−
computer, the chance is that there is an acceptable quality C compiler available and that
that C compiler supports an acceptably complete and standard C language and library.
There are also libraries and support tools available, so that a programmer rarely needs to
design a new system from scratch.
[4] C is portable: A C program is not automatically portable from one machine (and operating system) to another nor is such a port necessarily easy to do. It is, however, usually
possible and the level of difficulty is such that porting even major pieces of software
with inherent machine dependences is typically technically and economically feasible.
Compared with these ‘‘first order’’ advantages, the ‘‘second order’’ drawbacks like the
Stroustrup – 12 – A History of C++
curious C declarator syntax and the lack of safety of some language constructs become less
important. Designing ‘‘a better C’’ implies compensating for the major problems involved in
writing, debugging, and maintaining C programs without compromising the advantages of C.
C++ preserves all these advantages and compatibility with C at the cost of abandoning claims
to perfection and of some compiler and language complexity. However, designing a language
‘‘from scratch’’ does not ensure perfection and the C++ compilers compare favorably in run−
time, have better error detection and reporting, and equal the C compilers in code quality.’’
This formulation is more polished than I could have managed in the early C with Classes days,
but it does capture the essence of what I considered important about C and that I did not want to
lose in C with Classes. Pascal was considered a toy language [Kernighan,1981], so it seemed easier and safer to add type checking to C than to add the features considered necessary for systems
programming to Pascal. At the time, I had a positive dread of making mistakes of the sort where
the designer out of misguided paternalism or plain ignorance makes the language unusable for
real work in important areas. The ten years that followed clearly showed that choosing C as a
base left me in the mainstream of systems programming where I intended to be. The cost in language complexity has been considerable, but manageable.
At the time, I considered Modula− 2, Ada, Smalltalk, Mesa, and Clu as alternatives to C and as
sources for ideas for C++ [Stroustrup,1984b] so there was no shortage of inspiration. However,
only C, Simula, Algol68, and in one case BCPL left noticeable traces in C++ as released in 1985.
Simula gave classes, Algol68 operator overloading (§3.3.3), references (§3.3.4), and the ability to
declare variables anywhere in a block (§3.3.1), and BCPL gave // comments (§3.3.1).
There were several reasons for avoiding major departures from C style. I saw the merging of
C’s strengths as a systems programming language with Simula’s strengths for organizing programs as a significant challenge in itself. Adding significant features from other languages could
easily lead to a ‘‘shopping list’’ language and destroy the integrity of the resulting language. To
quote from [Stroustrup,1986b]:
‘‘A programming language serves two related purposes: it provides a vehicle for the programmer to specify actions to be executed and a set of concepts for the programmer to use when
thinking about what can be done. The first aspect ideally requires a language that is ‘‘close to
the machine’’, so that all important aspects of a machine are handled simply and efficiently in
a way that is reasonably obvious to the programmer. The C language was primarily designed
with this in mind. The second aspect ideally requires a language that is ‘‘close to the problem
to be solved’’ so that the concepts of a solution can be expressed directly and concisely. The
facilities added to C to create C++ were primarily designed with this in mind.’’
Again this formulation is more polished than I could have managed during the early stages of the
design of C with Classes, but the general idea was clear. Departures from the known and proven
techniques of C and Simula would have to wait for further experience with C with Classes and
C++ and further experiments. I firmly believe – and believed then – that language design is not
just design from first principles but also an art that requires experience, experiments, and sound
engineering tradeoffs. Adding a major feature or concept to a language should not be a leap of
faith but a deliberate action based on experience and fitting into a framework of other features and
ideas of how the resulting language can be used. The post− 1985 evolution of C++ shows the
influence of ideas from Ada, Clu, and ML.
2.4.5 Syntax Problems
Could I have ‘‘fixed’’ the most annoying deficiencies of the C syntax and semantics at some
point before C++ was made generally available? Could I have done so without removing useful
features (to C with Classes’ users in their environments – as opposed to an ideal world) or introducing incompatibilities that were unacceptable to C programmers wanting to migrate to C with
Classes? I think not. In some cases, I tried, but I backed out my changes after complaints from
Stroustrup – 13 – A History of C++
outraged users. The part of the C syntax I disliked most was the the declaration syntax. Having
both prefix and postfix declarator operators cause a fair amount of confusion. So does allowing
the type specifier to be left out (meaning int by default)†.
My eventual rationale for leaving things as they were was that any new syntax would (temporarily at least) add complexity to a known mess. Also, even though the old style is a boon to
teachers of trivia and to people wanting to ridicule C, it is not a significant problem for C programmers. In this case, I’m not sure if I did the right thing, though. The agony to me and other
C++ implementers, documenters, and tool builders caused by the perversities of syntax has been
significant. Users can – and do – of course insulate themselves from such problems by writing
in a small and easily understood subset of the C/C++ declaration syntax.
A significant syntactic simplification for the benefit of users was introduced into C++ at the
cost of some extra work to implementers and some C compatibility problems. In C, the name of
a structure, a ‘‘structure tag,’’ must always be preceded by the keyword struct. For example
struct buffer a; / ‘struct’ is necessary in C /
In the context of C with Classes, this had annoyed me for some time because it made user− defined
types second class citizens syntactically. Given my lack of success with other attempts to clean
up the syntax, I was reluctant and only made the change – at the time where C with Classes was
mutated into C++ – at the urging of Tom Cargill. The name of a struct or a class is now a
type name and requires no special syntactic identification:
buffer a; // C++
The resulting fights over C compatibility lasted for years (see also §3.4).
2.4.6 Derived Classes
The derived class concept is C++’s version of Simula’s prefixed class notion and thus a sibling of
Smalltalk’s subclass concept. The names derived class and base class were chosen because I
never could remember what was sub and what was super and observed that I was not the only one
with this particular problem. It was also noted that many people found it counterintuitive that a
subclass typically has more information than its superclass. In inventing the terms derived class
and base class, I departed from my usual principle of not inventing new names where old ones
exist. In my defense, I note that I have never observed any confusion about what is base and what
is derived among C++ programmers and that the terms are trivially easy to learn even for people
without a grounding in mathematics.
The C with Classes concept was provided without any form of run− time support. In particular,
the Simula (and C++) concept of a virtual function was missing. The reason for this was that I –
with reason I think – doubted my ability to teach people how to use them and even more my ability to convince people that a virtual function is as efficient in time and space as an ordinary function as typically used. Often, people with Simula and Smalltalk experience still don’t quite
believe that until they have had the C++ implementation explained to them in detail – and many
still harbor irrational doubts after that.
Even without virtual functions, derived classes in C with Classes were useful for building new
data structures out of old ones and for associating operations with the resulting types. In particular, as explained in [Stroustrup,1980] and [Stroustrup,1982], they allowed list classes to be
defined and also task classes.
In the absence of virtual functions, a user could use objects of a derived class and treat base
classes as implementation details (only). Alternatively, an explicit type field could be introduced
in a base class and used together with explicit type casts. The former strategy was used for tasks
† In 1995, the C++ standards committee finally banned ‘‘implicit int’’ in declarations.
Stroustrup – 14 – A History of C++
where the user only sees specific derived task classes and ‘‘the system’’ sees only the task base
classes. The latter strategy was used for various application classes where, in effect, a base class
was used to implement a variant record for a set of derived classes. Much of the effort in C with
Classes and later C++ has been to ensure that programmers needn’t write such code. Most important in my thinking at the time and in my own code was the combination of base classes, explicit
type conversions, and (occasionally) macros to provide generic container classes. Eventually,
these techniques matured into C++’s template facility and the techniques for using templates
together with base classes to express commonality among instantiated templates (§6.3).
2.4.7 The Protection Model
Before starting work on C with Classes, I worked with operating systems. The notions of protection from the Cambridge CAP computer and similar systems – rather than any work in programming languages – inspired the C++ protection mechanisms. The class is the unit of protection
and the fundamental rule is that you cannot grant yourself access to a class; only the declarations
placed in the class declaration (supposedly by its owner) can grant access. By default, all information is private.
Access is granted by declaring a function in the public part of a class declaration, or by specifying a function or a class as a friend. Initially, only classes could be friends, thus granting
access to all member functions of the friend class, but later it was found convenient to be able to
grant access (friendship) to individual functions. In particular, it was found useful to be able to
grant access to global functions.
A friendship declaration was seen as a mechanism similar to that of one protection domain
granting a read− write capability to another.
Even in the first version of C with Classes, the protection model applied to base classes as
well as members. Thus a class could be either publicly or privately derived from another. The
private/public distinction for base classes predates the debate on implementation inheritance vs
interface inheritance by about 5 years [Snyder,1986] [Liskov,1987]. If you want to inherit an
implementation only, you use private derivation in C++. Public derivation gives users of the
derived class access to the interface provided by the base class. Private derivation leaves the base
as an implementation detail; even the public members of the private base class are inaccessible
except through the interface explicitly provided for the derived class.
To provide ‘‘semi− transparent scopes’’ a mechanism was provided to allow individual public
names from a private base class to be made public [Stroustrup,1982].
2.4.8 Run− time Guarantees
The access control mechanisms described above simply prevent unauthorized access. A second
kind of guarantee was provided by ‘‘special member functions,’’ such as constructors, that were
recognized and implicitly invoked by the compiler. The idea was to allow the programmer to
establish guarantees, sometimes called ‘‘invariants,’’ that other member function could rely on.
Curiously enough, the initial implementation contained a feature that is not provided by C++ but
is often requested. In C with Classes, it was possible to define a function that would implicitly be
called before every call of every member function (except the constructor) and another that would
be implicitly called before every return from every member function. They were called call
and return functions. They were used to provide synchronization for the monitor class in the
original task library [Stroustrup,1980b]:
Stroustrup – 15 – A History of C++
class monitor : object {
/ … /
call() { / grab lock / }
return() { / release lock / }
These are similar in intent to the CLOS :before and :after methods. Call and return functions were removed from the language because nobody (but me) used them and because I seemed
to have completely failed to convince people that call() and return() had important uses.
In 1987 Mike Tiemann suggested an alternative solution called ‘‘wrappers’’ [Tiemann,1987], but
at the USENIX implementors’ workshop in Estes Park this idea was determined to have too many
problems to be accepted into C++.
2.4.9 Features Considered, but not Provided
In the early days, many features were considered that later appeared in C++ or are still discussed.
These included virtual functions, static members, templates, and multiple inheritance. However,
‘‘All of these generalizations have their uses, but every ‘‘feature’’ of a language takes time
and effort to design, implement, document, and learn.’’ … ‘‘The base class concept is an engineering compromise, like the C class concept [Stroustrup,1982].’’
I just wish I had explicitly mentioned the need for experience. With that, the case against featurism and for a pragmatic approach would have been complete.
The possibility of automatic garbage collection was considered on several occasions before
1985 and deemed unsuitable for a language already in use for real− time processing and hard− core
systems tasks such as device drivers. In those days, garbage collectors were less sophisticated
than they are today and the processing power and memory capacity of the average computer were
small fractions of what today’s systems offer. My personal experience with Simula and reports of
other GC− based systems convinced me that GC was unaffordable by me and my colleagues for
the kind of applications we were writing. Had C with Classes (or even C++) been defined to
require automatic garbage collection it would have been more elegant, but stillborn.
Direct support for concurrency was also considered but rejected in favor of a library based
approach (§2.2).
2.5 Work Environment
C with Classes was designed and implemented by me as a research project in the Computing Science Research Center of Bell Labs. This center provided – and still provides – a possibly unique
environment for such work. When I joined I was basically told to ‘‘do something interesting,’’
given suitable computer resources, encouraged to talk to interesting and competent people, and
given a year before having to formally present my work for evaluation.
There was a cultural bias against ‘‘grand projects’’ requiring many people, against ‘‘grand
plans’’ like untested paper designs for others to implement, and against a class distinction
between designers and implementers. If you liked such things, Bell Labs and others have many
places where you could indulge such preferences. However, in the Computing Science Research
Center it was almost a requirement that you – if you were not into theory – (personally) implemented something embodying your ideas and found users that could benefit from what you built.
The environment was very supportive for such work and the Labs provided a large pool of people
with ideas and problems to challenge and test anything built. Thus I could write in
‘‘There never was a C++ paper design; design, documentation, and implementation went on
simultaneously. Naturally, the C++ front− end is written in C++. There never was a ‘‘C++ project’’ either, or a ‘‘C++ design committee’’. Throughout, C++ evolved, and continues to
Stroustrup – 16 – A History of C++
evolve, to cope with problems encountered by users, and through discussions between the
author and his friends and colleagues.’’
Only after C++ was an established language did more conventional organizational structures
emerge and even then I was officially in charge of the reference manual and had the final say over
what went into it until that task was handed over to the ANSI C++ committee in early 1990. On
the other hand, after the first few months I never had the freedom to design just for the sake of
designing something beautiful or to make arbitrary changes in the language as it stood at any
given time. Whatever I considered a language feature required an implementation to make it real,
and any change or extension required the concurrence and usually enthusiasm of key C with
Classes and later C++ users.
Since there was no guaranteed user population, the language and its implementations could
only survive by serving the needs of its users well enough to counteract the organizational pull of
established languages and the marketing hype of newer languages.
C with Classes grew through discussions with people in the Computing Science Research
Center and early users there and elsewhere in the Labs. Most of C with Classes and later C++
was designed on somebody else’s blackboard and the rest on mine. Most such ideas were
rejected as being too elaborate, too limited in usefulness, too hard to implement, too hard to teach
for use in real projects, not efficient enough in time or space, too incompatible with C, or simply
too weird. The few ideas that made it through this filter – invariably involving discussions
among at least two people – I then implemented. Typically, the idea mutated through the effort
of implementation, testing, and early use by me and one or two others. The resulting version was
tried on a larger audience and would often mutate a bit further before finding its way into the
‘‘official’’ version of C with Classes as shipped by me. Usually, a tutorial was written somewhere along the way. Writing a tutorial was considered an essential design tool, because if a feature cannot be explained simply the burden of supporting it will be too great. This point was
never far from my mind because during the early years I was the support organization.
In the early days Sandy Fraser, my department head at the time, was very influential. For
example, I believe he was the one to encourage me to break from the Simula style of class definition where the complete function definition is included and adopt the style where function definitions are typically elsewhere thus emphasizing the class declaration’s role as an interface. Much
of C with Classes was designed to allow simulators to be built that could be used in Sandy
Fraser’s work in network design. The first real application of C with Classes was such network
simulators. Sudhir Agrawal was another early user who influenced the development of C with
Classes through his work with network simulations. Jonathan Shopiro provided much feedback
of the C with Classes design and implementation based on his simulation of a ‘‘dataflow database
For more general discussions on programming language issues, as opposed to looking at applications to determine which problems needed to be solved, I turned to Dennis Ritchie, Steve Johnson, and in particular Doug McIlroy. Doug McIlroy’s influence on the development of both C
and C++ cannot be overestimated. I cannot remember a single critical design decision in C++ that
I have not discussed at length with Doug. Naturally, we didn’t always agree, but I still have a
strong reluctance to make a decision that goes against Doug’s opinion. He has a knack for being
right and an apparently infinite amount of experience and patience.
Since the main design work for C with Classes and C++ was done on blackboards the thinking
tended to focus on solutions to ‘‘archetypical’’ problems: Small examples that are considered
characteristic for a large class of problems. Thus, a good solution to the small example will provide significant help in writing programs dealing with real problems of that class. Many of these
problems have entered the C++ literature and folklore through my use of them as examples in my
papers, books, and talks. For C with Classes, the example considered most critical was the task
class that was the basis of the task− library supporting Simula− style simulation. Other key classes
Stroustrup – 17 – A History of C++
were queue, list, and histogram classes. The queue and list classes were based on the
idea – borrowed from Simula – of providing a link class from which users derived their own
The danger inherent in this approach is to create a language and tools that provide elegant
solutions to small selected examples yet don’t scale to building complete systems or large programs. This was counteracted by the simple fact that C with Classes (and later C++) had to pay
for itself during its early years. This ensured that C with Classes couldn’t evolve into something
that was elegant but useless.
3 From C with Classes to C++
During 1982 it became clear to me that C with Classes was a ‘‘medium success’’ and would
remain so until it died. I defined a medium success as something so useful that it easily paid for
itself and its developer, but not so attractive and useful that it would pay for a support and development organization. Thus, continuing with C with Classes and its C pre− processor implementation would condemn me to support C with Classes use indefinitely. I was convinced that there
were only two ways out of this dilemma:
[1] Stop supporting C with Classes so that the users would have to go elsewhere (freeing me to
do something else).
[2] Develop a new and better language based on my experience with C with Classes that would
serve a large enough set of users to pay for a support and development organization (thus
freeing me to do something else). At the time I estimated that 5,000 industrial users was
the necessary minimum.
The third alternative, increasing the user population through marketing (hype), never occurred to
me. What actually happened was that the explosive growth of C++, as the new language was
eventually named, kept me so busy that to this day I haven’t managed to get sufficiently detached
to do something else of significance.
The success of C with Classes was, I think, a simple consequence of meeting its design aim: C
with Classes did help organize a large class of programs significantly better than C without the
loss of run− time efficiency and without requiring enough cultural changes to make its use infeasible in organizations that were unwilling to undergo major changes. The factors limiting its success were partly the limited set of new facilities offered over C and partly the pre− processor technology used to implement C with Classes. There simply wasn’t enough support in C with
Classes for people who were willing to invest significant efforts to reap matching benefits: C with
Classes was an important step in the right direction, but only one small step. As a result of this
analysis I began designing a cleaned− up and extended successor to C with Classes and implementing it using traditional compiler technology.
The resulting language was at first still called C with Classes but after a polite request from
management it was given the name C84. The reason for the naming was that people had taken to
calling C with Classes ‘‘new C,’’ and then C. This last abbreviation led to C being called ‘‘plain
C,’’ ‘‘straight C,’’ and ‘‘old C.’’ The name C84 was used only for a few months, partly because
it was ugly and institutional, partly because there would still be confusion if people dropped the
‘84.’ I asked for ideas for a new name and picked C++ because it was short, had nice interpretations, and wasn’t of the form ‘‘adjective C.’’ In C, ++ can, depending on context, be read as
‘‘next,’’ ‘‘successor,’’ or ‘‘increment’’ though it is always pronounced ‘‘plus plus.’’ The name
C++ and its runner up ++C are fertile sources for jokes and puns – almost all of which were
known and appreciated before the name was chosen. The name C++ was suggested by Rick Mascitti. It was first used in [Stroustrup,1984b] where it was edited into the final copy in December
of 1983.
Stroustrup – 18 – A History of C++
3.1 Aims
During the 1982– 1984 period the aims for C++ gradually became more ambitious and more definite. I had come to see C++ as a language separate from C, and libraries and tools had emerged as
areas of work. Because of that, because tools developers within Bell Labs were beginning to
show interest in C++, and because I had embarked on a completely new implementation that
would become the C++ compiler front− end, Cfront, I had to answer key questions:
[1] Who will the users be?
[2] What kind of systems will they use?
[3] How will I get out of the business of providing tools?
[4] How should the answers to [1], [2], and [3] affect the language definition?
My answer to [1], ‘‘Who will the users be?,’’ was that first my friends within Bell Labs and I
would use it, then more widespread use within AT&T would provide more experience, then some
universities would pick up the ideas and the tools, and finally AT&T and others would be able to
make some money by selling the set of tools that had evolved. At some point, the initial and
somewhat experimental implementation done by me would be faded out in favor of more ‘‘industrial strength’’ implementations by AT&T and others.
This made practical and economic sense; the initial (Cfront) implementation would be tool−
poor, portable, and cheap because that was what I, my colleagues, and many university users
needed and could afford. Later, there would be ample scope for AT&T and others to provide better tools for more specialized environments. Such better tools aimed primarily at industrial users
needn’t be cheap either, and would thus be able to pay for the support organizations necessary for
large− scale use of the language. That was my answer to [3] ‘‘How will I get out of the business of
providing tools?’’ Basically, the strategy worked. However, just about every detail actually happened in an unforeseen way.
To get an answer to [2] ‘‘What kind of systems will they use?,’’ I simply looked around to see
what kind of systems the C with Classes users actually did use. They used everything from boxes
that were so small that they couldn’t run a compiler to mainframes. They used more operating
systems than I had heard of. Consequently, I concluded that extreme portability and the ability to
do cross compilation were necessities and that I could make no assumption about the size and
speed of the machines running generated code. To build a compiler, however, I would have to
make assumptions about the kind of system people would develop their programs on. I assumed
that one MIPS plus one Mbyte would be available. That assumption, I considered a bit risky
because most of my prospective users at the time had at most part of a PDP11 or some other relatively low− powered and/or timeshared system available.
I did not predict the PC revolution, but by over− shooting my performance target for Cfront I
happened to build a compiler that (barely) could run on an IBM PC/AT, thus providing an existence proof that C++ could be an effective language on a PC and thereby spurring commercial
software developers to beat it.
As the answer to [4] ‘‘How does all this affect the language definition?’’ I concluded that no
feature must require really sophisticated compiler or run− time support, that available linkers must
be used, and that the code generated would have to be efficient (comparable to C) even initially.
3.2 Cfront
The Cfront compiler front− end for the C84 language was designed and implemented by me
between the spring of 1982 and the summer of 1983. The first user outside the computer science
research center, Jim Coplien, received his copy in July of 1983. Jim was in a group that had been
doing experimental switching work with C with Classes in Bell Labs in Naperville, Illinois for
some time.
In that same time period I designed C84, drafted the reference manual published January 1,
1984 [Stroustrup,1984a], designed the complex number library and implemented it together
Stroustrup – 19 – A History of C++
with Leonie Rose [Rose,1984], designed and implemented the first string class together with
Jonathan Shopiro, maintained and ported the C with Classes implementation, supported the C
with Classes users and helped them become C84 users. That was a busy year and a half.
Cfront was (and is) a traditional compiler front− end performing a complete check of the syntax
and semantics of the language, building an internal representation of its input, analyzing and rearranging that representation, and finally producing output suitable for some code generator. The
internal representation was (is) a graph with one symbol table per scope. The general strategy is
to read a source file one global declaration at a time and produce output only when a complete
global declaration has been completely analyzed.
The organization of Cfront is fairly traditional except maybe for the use of many symbol
tables instead of just one. Cfront was originally written in C with Classes (what else?) and soon
transcribed into C84 so that the very first working C++ compiler was done in C++. Even the first
version of Cfront used classes heavily, but no virtual functions because they were not available at
the start of the project.
The most unusual – for its time – aspect of Cfront was that it generated C code. This has
caused no end of confusion. Cfront generated C because I needed extreme portability for an initial implementation and I considered C the most portable assembler around. I could easily have
generated some internal back− end format or assembler from Cfront, but that was not what my
users needed. No assembler or compiler back− end served more than maybe a quarter of my user
community and there was no way that I could produce the, say, six backends needed to serve just
90% of that community. In response to this need, I concluded that using C as a common input
format to a large number of code generators was the only reasonable choice. The strategy of
building a compiler as a C generator has later become quite popular so that languages such as
Ada, CLOS, Eiffel, Modula− 3, and Smalltalk have been implemented that way. I got a high
degree of portability at a modest cost in compile time overhead. Over the years I have measured
this overhead on various systems and found it to be between 25% and 100% of the ‘‘necessary’’
parts of a compilation.
Please note that the C compiler is used as a code generator only. Any error message from the
C compiler reflects an error in the C compiler or in Cfront, but not in the C++ source text. Every
syntactic and semantic error is in principle caught by Cfront, the C++ compiler front− end. I stress
this because there has been a long history of confusion about what Cfront was/is. It has been
called a preprocessor because it generates C, and for people in the C community (and elsewhere)
that has been taken as proof that Cfront was a rather simple program – something like a macro
preprocessor. People have thus ‘‘deduced’’ (wrongly) that a line− for− line translation from C++ to
C is possible, that symbolic debugging at the C++ level is impossible when Cfront is used, that
code generated by Cfront must be inferior to code generated by ‘‘real compilers,’’ that C++
wasn’t a ‘‘real language,’’ etc. Naturally, I have found such unfounded claims most annoying –
especially when they were leveled as criticisms of the C++ language. There are now several C++
compilers that use Cfront together with local code generators without going through a C front
end. To the user, the only obvious difference is faster compile times.
Cfront is only a compiler front− end and can never be used for real programming by itself. It
needs a driver to run the source file through the C preprocessor, Cpp, then run the output of Cpp
through Cfront and the output from Cfront through a C compiler:
Stroustrup – 20 – A History of C++
source text cpp
cc object code
In addition, the driver must ensure that dynamic (run− time) initialization is done. In Cfront 3.0,
the driver becomes yet more elaborate as automatic template instantiation (§6.3) is implemented
As mentioned, I decided to live within the constraints of traditional linkers. However, there
was one constraint that I felt was too difficult to live with, yet so silly that I had a chance of fighting it if I had sufficient patience: Most traditional linkers had a very low limit on the number of
characters that can be used in external names. A limit of 8 characters was common, and 6 characters and one case only are guaranteed to work as external names in Classical C; ANSI/ISO C
accepts that limit also. Given that the name of a member function includes the name of its class
and that the type of an overloaded function has to be reflected in the linkage process somehow or
other, I had little choice. Consequently I started (in 1982) lobbying for longer names in linkers. I
don’t know if my efforts actually had any effect, but these days most linkers do give me the much
larger number of characters I need. Cfront uses encodings to implement type− safe linkage in a
way that makes a limit of 32 characters too low for comfort and even 256 is a bit tight at times
(see §3.3.3). In the interim, systems of hash coding of long identifiers have been used with
archaic linkers, but that was never completely satisfactory.
Versions of C++ are often named by Cfront release numbers. Release 1.0 was the language as
defined in ‘‘The C++ Programming Language’’ [Stroustrup,1986b].
Releases 1.1 (June 1986) and 1.2 (February 1987) were primarily bug fix releases but also
added pointers to members and protected members (§4.1). Release 2.0 was a major cleanup that
also introduced multiple inheritance (§4.2) in June 1989. Release 2.1 (April 1990) was primarily
a bug fix release that brought Cfront (almost) into line with the definition in the ARM, Ellis &
Stroustrup: The Annotated C++ Reference Manual [Ellis,1990] (§6.1). Release 3.0 (September
1991) added templates (§6.3) as specified in the ARM. Release 4.0 (due in 1993) is expected to
add exception handling (§6.4) as specified in the ARM.
I wrote the first versions of Cfront (1.0, 1.1, 1.2) and maintained them; Steve Dewhurst
worked on it with me for a few months before release 1.0 in 1985. Laura Eaves did much of the
work on the Cfront parser for release 1.0, 1.1, 2.1, and 3.0. I also did the lion’s share of the programming for releases 1.2 and 2.0, but starting with release 1.2, Stan Lippman also spent most of
his time on Cfront. George Logothetis, Judy Ward, and Nancy Wilkinson, and Stan Lippman did
most of the work for releases 2.1 and 3.0. The work on 2.0 was coordinated by Barbara Moo, and
Andrew Koenig organized Cfront testing. Barbara also coordinated releases 1.2, 2.1, and 3.0.
Sam Haradhvala from Object Design Inc. did an initial implementation of templates in 1989 that
Stan Lippman extended and completed for release 3.0 in 1991. The initial implementation of
exception handling in Cfront was done by Hewlett− Packard in 1992. In addition to these people
Stroustrup – 21 – A History of C++
who have produced code that has found its way into the main version of Cfront, many people
have built local C++ compilers from it. Apple, Centerline (formerly Saber), ParcPlace, Sun, HP,
and others ship products that contain locally modified versions of Cfront.
3.3 Language Feature Details
The major additions to C with Classes introduced to produce C++ were:
[1] Virtual functions.
[2] Function name and operator overloading.
[3] References.
[4] Constants (const).
[5] User− controlled free− store memory control.
[6] Improved type checking
In addition, the notion of call and return functions (§2.4.8) was dropped due to lack of use and
many minor details were changed to produce a cleaner language.
3.3.1 Minor Changes
The most visible minor change was the introduction of BCPL− style comments:
int a; / C−style explicitly terminated comment /
int b; // BCPL−style comment terminated by end−of−line
Since both styles of comments are allowed people can simply use the style they like best.
The name ‘‘new− function’’ for constructors had been a source of confusion so the name constructor was introduced.
In C with Classes, a dot was used to express membership of a class as well as expressing
selection of a member of a particular object. This had been the cause of some minor confusion
and could also be used to construct ambiguous examples. To alleviate this, :: was introduced to
mean membership of class and . was retained exclusively for membership of object.
I borrowed the Algol68 notion that a declaration can be introduced wherever it is needed (and
not just at the top of some block). Thus, I enabled a ‘‘initialize− only’’ or ‘‘single− assignment’’
style of programming that is less error− prone than traditional styles. This style is essential for references and constants that cannot be assigned and inherently more efficient for types where
default initialization is expensive.
3.3.2 Virtual Functions
The most obvious new feature in C++ – and certainly the one that had the greatest impact on the
style of programming one could use for the language – was virtual functions. The idea was borrowed from Simula and presented in a form that was intended to make a simple and efficient
implementation easy. The rationale for virtual functions was presented in [Stroustrup,1986b] and
[Stroustrup,1986c]. To emphasize the central role of virtual functions in C++ programming I will
quote it in detail here [Stroustrup,1986c]:
‘‘An abstract data type defines a sort of black box. Once it has been defined, it does not really
interact with the rest of the program. There is no way of adapting it to new uses except by
modifying its definition. This can lead to severe inflexibility. Consider defining a type
shape for use in a graphics system. Assume for the moment that the system has to support
circles, triangles, and squares. Assume also that you have some classes:
class point{ / … / };
class color{ / … / };
You might define a shape like this:
Stroustrup – 22 – A History of C++
enum kind { circle, triangle, square };
class shape {
point center;
color col;
kind k;
// representation of shape
point where() { return center; }
void move(point to) { center = to; draw(); }
void draw();
void rotate(int);
// more operations
The ‘‘type field’’ k is necessary to allow operations such as draw() and rotate() to
determine what kind of shape they are dealing with (in a Pascal− like language, one might use a
variant record with tag k). The function draw() might be defined like this:
void shape::draw()
switch (k) {
case circle:
// draw a circle
case triangle:
// draw a triangle
case square:
// draw a square
This is a mess. Functions such as draw() must ‘‘know about’’ all the kinds of shapes there
are. Therefore the code for any such function grows each time a new shape is added to the
system. If you define a new shape, every operation on a shape must be examined and (possibly) modified. You are not able to add a new shape to a system unless you have access to the
source code for every operation. Since adding a new shape involves ‘‘touching’’ the code of
every important operation on shapes, it requires great skill and potentially introduces bugs into
the code handling other (older) shapes. The choice of representation of particular shapes can
get severely cramped by the requirement that (at least some of) their representation must fit
into the typically fixed sized framework presented by the definition of the general type
The problem is that there is no distinction between the general properties of any shape (a
shape has a color, it can be drawn, etc.) and the properties of a specific shape (a circle is a
shape that has a radius, is drawn by a circle− drawing function, etc.). Expressing this distinction and taking advantage of it defines object− oriented programming. A language with constructs that allows this distinction to be expressed and used supports object− oriented programming. Other languages don’t.
The Simula inheritance mechanism provides a solution. First, specify a class that defines
the general properties of all shapes:
Stroustrup – 23 – A History of C++
class shape {
point center;
color col;
// …
point where() { return center; }
void move(point to) { center = to; draw(); }
virtual void draw();
virtual void rotate(int);
// …
The functions for which the calling interface can be defined, but where the implementation
cannot be defined except for a specific shape, have been marked ‘‘virtual’’ (the Simula and
C++ term for ‘‘may be re− defined later in a class derived from this one’’). Given this definition, we can write general functions manipulating shapes:
void rotate_all(shape* v, int size, int angle)
// rotate all members of vector "v" of size "size" "angle" degrees
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) v[i].rotate(angle);
To define a particular shape, we must say that it is a shape and specify its particular properties (including the virtual functions).
class circle : public shape {
int radius;
void draw() { / … / };
void rotate(int) {} // yes, the null function
In C++, class circle is said to be derived from class shape, and class shape is said to be
a base of class circle. An alternative terminology calls circle and shape subclass and
superclass, respectively.’’
For further discussion of virtual functions and object− oriented programming see §3.7 and §4.3.
The key implementation idea was that the set of virtual functions in a class defines a array of
pointers to functions so that a call of a virtual function is simply an indirect function call through
that array. There is one array per class and one pointer to such an array in each object of a class
that has virtual functions.
I don’t remember much interest in virtual functions at the time. Probably I didn’t explain the
concepts involved well, but the main reaction I received from people in my immediate vicinity
was one of indifference and skepticism. A common opinion was that virtual functions were simply a kind of crippled pointer to function and thus redundant. Worse, it was sometimes argued
that a well− designed program wouldn’t need the extensibility and openness provided by virtual
functions so that proper analysis would show which non− virtual functions could be called directly.
Therefore, the argument went, virtual functions were simply a form of inefficiency. Clearly I disagreed, and added virtual functions anyway.
3.3.3 Overloading
Several people had asked for the ability to overload operators. Operator overloading ‘‘looked
neat’’ and I knew from experience with Algol68 how the idea could be made to work. However,
I was reluctant to introduce the notion of overloading into C++:
[1] Overloading was reputed to be hard to implement so that compilers would grow to
Stroustrup – 24 – A History of C++
monstrous size.
[2] Overloading was reputed to be hard to teach and hard to define precisely so that manuals
and tutorials would grow to monstrous size.
[3] Code written using operator overloading was reputed to be inherently inefficient.
[4] Overloading was reputed to make code incomprehensible.
If [3] or [4] were true then C++ would be better off without overloading. If [1] or [2] were true
then I didn’t have the resources to provide overloading.
However, if all of these conjectures were false then overloading would solve some real problems for C++ users. There were people who would like to have complex numbers, matrices, and
APL− like vectors in C++. There were people who would like range− checked arrays, multi−
dimensional arrays and strings in C++. There were at least two separate applications for which
people wanted to overload logical operators such as | (or), & (and), and ^ (exclusive or). The
way I saw it, the list was long and would grow with the size and the diversity of the C++ user
population. My answer to [4] ‘‘overloading makes code obscure’’ was that several of my friends
whose opinion I valued and whose experience was measured in decades claimed that their code
would become cleaner if they had overloading. So what if one can write obscure code with overloading? It is possible to write obscure code in any language. It matters more how a feature can
be used well than how it can be misused.
Next, I convinced myself that overloading wasn’t inherently inefficient [Stroustrup,1984c]
[Ellis,1990]. The details of the overloading mechanism were mostly worked out on my blackboard and those of Stu Feldman, Doug McIlroy, and Jonathan Shopiro.
Thus, having worked out an answer to [3], ‘‘code written using overloading is efficient,’’ I
needed to concern myself with [1] and [2], the issue of compiler and language complexity. I first
observed that use of classes with overloaded operators, such as complex and string, was
quite easy and didn’t put a major burden on the programmer. Next I wrote the manual sections to
prove that the added complexity wasn’t a serious issue; the manual needed less than a page and a
half extra (out of a 42− page manual). Finally, I did the first implementation in two hours using
only 18 lines of extra code in Cfront, and I felt I had demonstrated that the fears about definition
and implementation complexity were somewhat exaggerated.
Naturally, all these issues were not really tackled in this strict sequential order. However, the
emphasis of the work did start with utility issues and slowly drifted to implementation issues.
The overloading mechanisms were described in detail in [Stroustrup,1984c] and examples of
classes using the mechanisms were written up [Rose,1984] [Shopiro,1985].
In retrospect, I underestimated the complexity of the definition and implementation issues and
compounded these problems by trying to isolate overloading mechanisms from the rest of the language semantics. The latter was done out of misguided fear of confusing users. In particular, I
required that a declaration
overload print;
should precede declarations of an overloaded function print, such as
void print(int);
void print(const char);
I also insisted that ambiguity control should happen in two stages so that resolutions involving
built− in operators and conversions would always take precedence over resolutions involving
user− defined operations. Maybe this latter was inevitable given the concern for C compatibility
and the chaotic nature of the C conversion rules for built− in types. These conversions do not constitute a lattice; for example, implicit conversions are allowed both from int to float and from
float to int. However, the rules for ambiguity resolution were too complicated, caused surprises, and had to be revised for release 2.0. I still consider these rules too complex, but do not
see scope for more than minor adjustments.
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Requiring explicit overload declarations was plain wrong and the requirement was dropped
in release 2.0.
3.3.4 References
References were introduced primarily to support operator overloading. C passes every function
argument by value, and where passing an object by value would be inefficient or inappropriate the
user can pass a pointer. This strategy doesn’t work where operator overloading is used. In that
case, notational convenience is essential so that a user cannot be expected to insert address− of
operators if the objects are large.
Problems with debugging Algol68 convinced me that having references that didn’t change
what object they referred to after initialization was a good thing. If you wanted to do more complicated pointer manipulation in C++ you can use pointers. Because C++ has both pointers and
references it does not need operations for distinguishing operations on the reference itself from
operations on the object referred to (like Simula) or the kind of deductive mechanism employed
by Algol68.
It is important that const references can be initialized by non− lvalues and lvalues of types
that require conversion. In particular, this is what allows a Fortran function to be called with a
extern "Fortran" float sqrt(const float&); // ‘&’ means reference
sqrt(2); // call by reference
Jonathan Shopiro was deeply involved in the discussions that led to the introduction of references. In addition to the obvious uses of references, such as argument, we considered the ability
to use references as return types important. This allowed us to have a very simple index operator
for a string class:
class String {
// …
char& operator[](int index); // subscript operator
// return a reference
void f(String& s)
char c1 = …
s[i] = c1; // assign to operator[]’s result
// …
char c2 = s[i]; // assign operator[]’s result
We considered allowing separate functions for left− hand and right− hand side use of a function but
considered using references the simpler alternative even though this implies that we need to introduce additional ‘‘helper classes’’ to solve some problems where returning a simple reference isn’t
3.3.5 Constants (const)
In operating systems, it is common to have access to some piece of memory controlled directly or
indirectly by two bits: one that indicates whether a user can write to it and one that indicates
whether a user can read it. This idea seemed to me directly applicable to C++ and I considered
allowing every type to be specified readonly or writeonly [Stroustrup,1981b]. The proposal is focused on specifying interfaces rather than on providing symbolic constants for C.
Clearly, a readonly value is a symbolic constant, but the scope of the proposal is far greater.
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Initially, I proposed pointers to readonly but not readonly pointers. A brief discussion with
Dennis Ritchie evolved the idea into the readonly/writeonly mechanism that I implemented and proposed to an internal Bell Labs C standards group chaired by Larry Rosler. There,
I had my first experience with standards work. I came away from a meeting with an agreement
(that is, a vote) that readonly would be introduced into C – yes C, not C with Classes or C++
– provided it was renamed const. Unfortunately, a vote isn’t executable so nothing happened
to our C compilers. A while later, the ANSI C committee (X3J11) was formed and the const
proposal resurfaced there and became part of ANSI/ISO C.
However, in the meantime I had experimented further with const in C with Classes and
found that const was a useful alternative to macros for representing constants only if a global
consts were implicitly local to their compilation unit. Only in that case could the compiler easily deduce that their value really didn’t change and allow simple consts in constant evaluations
and thus avoid allocating space for such constants and use them in constant expressions. C did
not adopt this rule. This makes consts far less useful in C than in C++ and leaves C dependent
on the preprocessor where C++ programmers can use properly typed and scoped consts.
3.3.6 Memory Management
Long before the first C with Classes program was written, I knew that free store (dynamic memory) would be used more heavily in a language with classes than in traditional C programs. This
was the reason for the introduction of the new and delete operators in C with Classes. The
new operator that both allocates memory from the free store and invokes a constructor to ensure
initialization was borrowed from Simula. The delete operator was a necessary complement
because I did not want C with Classes to depend on a garbage collector. The argument for the
new operator can be summarized like this. Would you rather write:
X p = new X(2);
struct X p = (struct X ) malloc(sizeof(struct X));
if (p == 0) error("memory exhausted");
and which version are you most likely to make a mistake in? The arguments against – which
were voiced quite a lot at the time – were ‘‘but we don’t really need it,’’ and ‘‘but someone will
have used new as an identifier.’’ Both observations are correct, of course.
Introducing operator new thus made the use of free store more convenient and less error−
prone. This increased its use even further so that the C free store allocation routine malloc()
used to implement new became the most common performance bottleneck in real systems. This
was no real surprise either; the only problem was what to do about it. Having real programs
spend 50% or more of their time in malloc() wasn’t acceptable.
I found per− class allocators and deallocators very effective. The fundamental idea is that free
store memory usage is dominated by the allocation and deallocation of lots of small objects from
very few classes. Take over the allocation of those objects in a separate allocator and you can
save both time and space for those objects and also reduce the amount of fragmentation of the
general free store. The mechanism provided for 1.0, ‘‘assignment to this,’’ was too low level
and error− prone and was replaced by a cleaner solution in 2.0 (§4.1).
Note that static and automatic (stack allocated) objects were always possible and that the most
effective memory management techniques relied heavily on such objects. The string class was a
typical example, here String objects are typically on the stack so that they require no explicit
memory management and the free store they rely on is managed exclusively and invisibly to the
user by the String member functions.
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3.3.7 Type Checking
The C++ type checking rules were the result of experiments with the C with Classes. All function
calls are checked at compile time. The checking of trailing arguments can be suppressed by
explicit specification in a function declaration. This is essential to allow C’s printf():
int printf(const char …); // accept any argument after
// the initial character string
// …
printf("date: %s %d 19%d\n",month,day,year); // maybe right
Several mechanisms were provided to alleviate the withdrawal symptoms that many C programmers feel when they first experience strict checking. Overriding type checking using the ellipsis
was the most drastic and least recommended of those. Function name overloading (§3.3.3) and
default arguments [Stroustrup,1986b] made it possible to give the appearance of a single function
taking a variety of argument lists without compromising type safety. The stream I/O system
demonstrates that the weak checking wasn’t necessary even for I/O (see §5.3.1).
3.4 Relationship to Classic C
With the introduction of a separate name, C++, and the writing of a C++ reference manual
[Stroustrup,1984a] compatibility with C became an issue of major importance and a point of controversy.
Also, in late 1983 the branch of Bell Labs that developed and supported UNIX and produced
AT&T’s 3B series of computers became interested in C++ to the point where they were willing to
put resources into the development of C++ tools. Such development was necessary for the evolution of C++ from a one man show to a language that a corporation could base critical projects on.
Unfortunately, it also implied that development management needed to consider C++.
The first demand to emerge from development management was that of 100% compatibility
with C. The ideal of C compatibility is quite obvious and reasonable, but the reality of programming isn’t that simple. For starters, with which C should C++ be compatible? C dialects
abounded, and though ANSI C was emerging, it was still years from having a stable definition
and its definition allowed many dialects. Naturally, the average user who wanted C compatibility
insisted that C++ should be compatible with the local C dialect. This was an important practical
problem and a great concern to me and my friends. It seemed far less of a concern to business−
oriented managers and salesmen who either didn’t quite understand the technical details or would
like to use C++ to tie users into their software and/or hardware.
Another side of the compatibility issue was more critical: ‘‘In which ways must C++ differ
from C to meet its fundamental goals?’’ and also ‘‘In which ways must C++ be compatible with
C to meet its fundamental goals?’’ Both sides of the issue are important and revisions were made
in both directions during the transition from C with Classes to C++ as shipped as release 1.0.
Slowly and painfully an agreement emerged that there would be no gratuitous incompatibilities
between C++ and ANSI C (when it became a standard) [Stroustrup,1986b] but that there was such
a thing as an incompatibility that was not gratuitous. Naturally, the concept of ‘‘gratuitous
incompatibilities’’ was a topic of much debate and took up a disproportional part of my time and
effort. This principle has lately been known as ‘‘C++: As close to C as possible – but no closer.’’
after the title of a paper by Andrew Koenig and me [Koenig,1989].
Some conclusions about modularity and how a program is composed out of separately compiled parts were explicitly reflected in the original C++ reference manual [Stroustrup,1984a]:
[a] Names are private unless they are explicitly declared public.
[b] Names are local to their file unless explicitly exported from it.
[c] Static type is checked unless explicitly suppressed.
Stroustrup – 28 – A History of C++
[d] A class is a scope (implying that classes nest properly).
Point [a] doesn’t affect C compatibility but [b], [c], [d] imply incompatibilities:
[1] The name of a non− local C function or object is by default accessible from other compilation units,
[2] C functions need not be declared before use and calls are by default not type checked, and
[3] C structure names don’t nest (even when they are lexically nested).
In addition,
[4] C++ has a single name space whereas C had a separate name space for ‘‘structure tags’’
The ‘‘compatibility wars’’ now seem petty and boring, but some of the underlying issues are still
unresolved and we are still struggling with them in the ANSI/ISO committee. I strongly suspect
that the reason the compatibility wars were drawn out and curiously inconclusive was that we
never quite faced the deeper issues related to the differing goals of C and C++ and saw compatibility as a set of separate issues to be resolved individually.
Typically, the least fundamental issue [4] ‘‘name spaces’’ took up the most effort, but was
eventually resolved [Ellis,1990].
I had to compromise the notion of a class as a scope [3] and accept the C ‘‘solution’’ to be
allowed to ship release 1.0. One practical problem was that I had never realized that a C struct
didn’t constitute a scope so that examples like this
struct outer {
struct inner {
int i;
int j;
struct inner a = { 1 };
are legal C. When the issue came up towards the end of the compatibility wars I didn’t have time
to fathom the implications of the C ‘‘solution’’ and it was much easier to agree than to fight the
issue. Later, after many technical problems and much discontent from users, nested class scopes
were re− introduced into C++ in 1989 [Ellis,1990].
After much hassle, C++’s stronger type checking of function calls was accepted (unmodified).
An implicit violation of the static type system is the original example of a C/C++ incompatibility
that is not gratuitous. As it happens, the ANSI C committee adopted a slightly weaker version of
C++’s rules and notation on this point and declared uses that don’t conform to the C++ rules obsolete.
On issue [1], I had to accept the C rule that global names are by default accessible from other
compilation units. There simply wasn’t any support for the more restrictive C++ rule. This
meant that C++, like C, lacks an effective mechanism for expressing modularity above the level of
the class and the file. This has led to a series of complaints and the ANSI/ISO committee is now
looking into several proposals for mechanisms to avoid name space pollution†. However, people
– such as Doug McIlroy – who argued that C programmers would not accept a language where
every object and function meant to be accessible from another compilation unit had to be explicitly declared as such were probably right at the time and saved me from making a serious mistake.
I am now convinced that the original C++ solution wasn’t elegant enough anyway.
† In 1994, the C++ standard committee accepted a proposal for a namespace mechanism; see [Stroustrup,1994].
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3.5 Tools for Language Design
Theory and tools more advanced than a blackboard have not been given much space in the
description of the history of C++. I tried to use YACC (an LALR(1) parser generator) for the
grammar work, and was defeated by C’s syntax (§2.4.5). I looked at denotational semantics, but
was again defeated by quirks in C. Ravi Sethi had looked into that problem and found that he
couldn’t express the C semantics that way [Sethi,1980]. The main problem was the irregularity
of C and the number of implementation− dependent and undefined aspects of a C implementation.
Much later, the ANSI/ISO C++ committee had a stream of formal definition experts explain their
techniques and tools and give their opinion of the extent to which a genuine formal approach to
the definition of C++ would help us in the standards effort. My conclusion is that with the current
state of the art, and certainly with the state of the art in the early 1980s, a formal definition of a
language that is not designed together with a formal definition method is beyond the ability of all
but a handful of experts in formal definition.
This confirms my conclusion at the time. However, that left us at the mercy of imprecise and
insufficient terminology. Given that, what could I do to compensate? I tried to reason about new
features both on my own and with others to check my logic. However, I soon developed a
healthy disrespect for arguments (definitely including my own) because I found that it is possible
to construct a plausible logical argument for just about any feature. On the other hand, you simply don’t get a useful language by accepting every feature that makes life better for someone.
There are far too many reasonable features and no language could provide them all and stay
coherent. Consequently, wherever possible, I tried to experiment.
My impression was and is that many programming languages and tools represent solutions
looking for problems, and I was determined that my work should not fall into that category.
Thus, I follow the literature on programming language and the debates about programming languages primarily looking for ideas for solutions to problems my colleagues and I have encountered in real applications. Other programming languages constitute a mountain of ideas and inspiration – but it has to be mined carefully to avoid featurism and inconsistencies. The main sources
for ideas for C++ were Simula, Algol68, and later Clu, Ada, and ML. The key to good design is
insight into problems, not the provision of the most advanced features.
3.6 The C++ Programming Language (1st edition)
In the fall of 1983 my next door neighbor at work, Al Aho, suggested that I write a book on C++
structured along the lines of Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie’s ‘‘The C Programming Language’’ based on my published papers, internal memoranda, and the C++ reference manual.
Completing the book took nine months.
The preface mentions the people who had by then contributed most to C++: Tom Cargill, Jim
Coplien, Stu Feldman, Sandy Fraser, Steve Johnson, Brian Kernighan, Bart Locanthi, Doug McIlroy, Dennis Ritchie, Larry Rosler, Jerry Schwarz, and Jon Shopiro. My criteria for adding a person to that list was that I was able to identify a specific C++ feature that the person has caused to
be added.
The book’s opening line ‘‘C++ is a general purpose programming language designed to make
programming more enjoyable for the serious programmer’’ was deleted twice by reviewers who
refused to believe that the purpose of programming language design could be anything but some
serious mutterings about productivity, management, and software engineering. However,
‘‘C++ was designed primarily so that the author and his friends would not have to program in
assembler, C, or various modern high− level languages. Its main purpose is to make writing
good programs easier and more pleasant for the individual programmer.’’
This was the case whether those reviewers were willing to believe it or not. The focus of my
work is the person, the individual (whether part of a group or not), the programmer. This line of
reasoning has been strengthened over the years and is even more prominent in the 2nd edition
Stroustrup – 30 – A History of C++
‘‘The C++ Programming Language’’ was the definition of C++ and the introduction to C++ for
an unknown number of programmers and its presentation techniques and organization (borrowed
with acknowledgements if not always sufficient skill from ‘‘The C Programming Language’’)
have become the basis for an almost embarrassing number of articles and books. It was written
with a fierce determination not to preach any particular programming technique. In the same way
as I feared to build limitations into the language out of ignorance and misguided paternalism, I
didn’t want the book to turn into a ‘‘manifesto’’ for my personal preferences.
3.7 The ‘‘whatis?’’ Paper
Having shipped release 1.0 and sent the camera ready copy of the book to the printers I finally
found time to re− consider larger issues and to document overall design issues. Just then Karel
Babcisky (the chairman of the Association of Simula Users) phoned from Oslo with an invitation
to give a talk on C++ at the 1986 ASU conference in Stockholm. Naturally, I wanted to go but I
was worried that presenting C++ at a Simula conference would be seen as a vulgar example of
self− advertisement and an attempt to steal users away from Simula. After all, I said, C++ is not
Simula so why would Simula− users want to hear about it. Karel replied ‘‘Ah, we are not hung up
on syntax.’’ This provided me with an opportunity to write not only about what C++ was but also
what it was supposed to be and where it didn’t measure up to those ideals. The result was the
paper What is ‘‘Object− Oriented Programming’’? [Stroustrup86] that I presented to the ASU
conference in Stockholm.
The significance of this paper is that it is the first exposition of the set of techniques that C++
was aiming to provide support for. All previous presentations, to avoid dishonesty and hype, had
been restricted to describe what features were already implemented and in use. The ‘‘whatis
paper’’ defined the set of problems I thought a language supporting data abstraction and object−
oriented programming ought to solve and gave examples of language features needed.
The result was a re− affirmation of the importance of the ‘‘multi− paradigm’’ nature of C++:
‘‘Object− oriented programming is programming using inheritance. Data abstraction is programming using user− defined types. With few exceptions, object− oriented programming can
and ought to be a superset of data abstraction. These techniques need proper support to be
effective. Data abstraction primarily needs support in the form of language features and
object− oriented programming needs further support from a programming environment. To be
general purpose, a language supporting data abstraction or object− oriented programming must
enable effective use of traditional hardware.’’
The importance of static type checking was also strongly emphasized. In other words, C++ follows the Simula rather than the Smalltalk model of inheritance and type checking:
‘‘a Simula or C++ class specifies a fixed interface to a set of objects (of any derived class)
whereas a Smalltalk class specifies an initial set of operations for objects (of any subclass). In
other words, a Smalltalk class is a minimal specification and the user is free to try operations
not specified whereas a C++ class is an exact specification and the user is guaranteed that only
operations specified in the class declaration will be accepted by the compiler.’’
This has deep implications on the way one design systems and on what language facilities are
needed. A dynamically typed language such as Smalltalk simplifies the design and implementation of libraries by postponing type checking to run time. For example (using C++ syntax):
stack cs;
cs.push(new Saab900);
cs.pop()−>takeoff(); // Oops! Run time error:
// a car does not have a takeoff method.
This delayed type error detection was considered unacceptable for C++, yet there had to be a way
of matching the notational convenience and the standard libraries of a dynamically typed
Stroustrup – 31 – A History of C++
language. The notion of parameterized types was presented as the (future) solution for that problem in C++:
stack(plane) cs;
cs.push(new Saab37b); // ok a Saab37b is a plane
cs.push(new Saab900); // error, type mismatch:
// car passed, plane expected
cs.pop()−>takeoff(); // no run−time check needed
cs.pop()−>takeoff(); // no run−time check needed
The key reason for considering compile time detection of such problems essential was the observation that C++ is often used for programs executing where no programmer is present. Fundamentally, the notion of static type checking was seen as the best way of providing as strong guarantees as possible for a program rather than merely a way of gaining run− time efficiency.
The ‘‘whatis’’ paper lists three aspects in which C++ was deficient:
[1] ‘‘Ada, Clu, and ML support parameterized types. C++ does not; the syntax used here is
simply devised as an illustration. Where needed, parameterized classes are ‘‘faked’’ using
macros. Parameterized classes would clearly be extremely useful in C++. They could easily be handled by the compiler, but the current C++ programming environment is not
sophisticated enough to support them without significant overhead and/or inconvenience.
There need not be any run− time overheads compared with a type specified directly.’’
[2] ‘‘As programs grow, and especially when libraries are used extensively, standards for handling errors (or more generally: ‘‘exceptional circumstances’’) become important. Ada,
Algol68, and Clu each support a standard way of handling exceptions. Unfortunately, C++
does not. Where needed exceptions are ‘‘faked’’ using pointers to functions, ‘‘exception
objects,’’ ‘‘error states’’, and the C library signal and longjmp facilities. This is not
satisfactory in general and fails even to provide a standard framework for error handling.’’
[3] ‘‘Given this explanation it seems obvious that it might be useful to have a class B inherit
from two base classes A1 and A2. This is called multiple inheritance’’
All three facilities were linked to the need to provide better (that is, more general, more flexible)
libraries. All are now available in C++. Note that adding multiple inheritance and templates was
considered as early as 1982 [Stroustrup,1982].
4 C++ Release 2.0
Now (Mid 1986) the course for C++ was set for all who cared to see. The key design decisions
were made. The direction of the future evolution was set with the aim for parameterized types,
multiple inheritance, and exception handling. Much experimentation and adjustment based on
experience was needed, but the glory days were over. C++ had never been silly putty, but there
was now no real possibility for radical change. For good and bad, what was done was done.
What was left was an incredible amount of solid work. At this point C++ had about 2,000 users
This was the point where the plan – as originally conceived by Steve Johnson and me – was
for a development and support organization to take over the day− to− day work on the tools (primarily Cfront), thus freeing me to work on the new features and the libraries that was expected to
depend on them. This was also the point where I expected first AT&T and then others would
start to build compilers and other tools to eventually make Cfront redundant.
Actually, they had already started, but the good plan was soon derailed due to management
indecisiveness, ineptness, and lack of focus. A project to develop a brand new C++ compiler
diverted attention and resources from Cfront maintenance and development. A plan to ship a
release 1.3 in early 1988 completely fell through the cracks. The net effect was that we had to
Stroustrup – 32 – A History of C++
wait until June 1989 for release 2.0, and that even though 2.0 was significantly better than release
1.2 in almost all ways, 2.0 did not provide the language features outlined in the ‘‘whatis paper’’
and (consequently) a significantly improved and extended library wasn’t part of it.
Many of the people who influenced C with Classes and the original C++ continued to help
with the evolution in various ways. Phil Brown, Tom Cargill, Jim Coplien, Steve Dewhurst,
Keith Gorlen, Laura Eaves, Bob Kelley, Brian Kernighan, Andy Koenig, Archie Lachner, Stan
Lippman, Larry Mayka, Doug McIlroy, Pat Philip, Dave Prosser, Peggy Quinn, Roger Scott,
Jerry Schwarz, Jonathan Shopiro, and Kathy Stark were explicitly acknowledged in
Stability of the language definition and its implementation was considered essential. The features of 2.0 were fairly simple modifications of the language based on experience with the 1.
releases. The most important aspect of release 2.0 was that it increased the generality of the individual language features and improved their integration into the language.
4.1 Feature Overview
The main features of 2.0 were first presented in [Stroustrup,1987c] and summarized in the revised
version of that paper [Stroustrup,1989b] that accompanied 2.0 as part of its documentation:
[1] multiple inheritance,
[2] type− safe linkage,
[3] better resolution of overloaded functions,
[4] recursive definition of assignment and initialization,
[5] better facilities for user− defined memory management,
[6] abstract classes,
[7] static member functions,
[8] const member functions,
[9] protected members (first provided in release 1.2),
[10] overloading of operator −>, and
[11] pointers to members (first provided in release 1.2).
Most of these extensions and refinements represented experience gained with C++ and couldn’t
have been added earlier without more foresight than I possessed. Naturally, integrating these features involved significant work, but it was most unfortunate that this was allowed to take priority
over the completion of the language as outlined in the ‘‘whatis’’ paper.
Most features enhanced the safety of the language in some way or other. Cfront 2.0 checked
the consistency of function types across separate compilation units (type− safe linkage), made the
overload resolution rules order independent, and also ensured that more calls were considered
ambiguous. The notion of const was made more comprehensive, pointers to members closed a
loophole in the type system, and provided explicit class− specific memory allocation and deallocation operations to make the error− prone ‘‘assignment to this’’ technique redundant.
To some people, the most important ‘‘feature’’ of release 2.0 wasn’t a feature at all but a simple space optimization. From the beginning, the code generated by Cfront tended to be pretty
good. As late as 1992, Cfront generated the fastest running code in a benchmark used to evaluate
C++ compilers on a Sparc. There have been no significant improvements in Cfront’s code generation since Release 1.0. However, release 1. was wasteful because each compilation unit generated its own set of virtual function tables for all the classes used in that unit. This could lead to
megabytes of waste. At the time (about 1984), I considered the waste necessary in the absence of
linker support and asked for such linker support. By 1987 that linker support hadn’t materialized.
Consequently, I re− thought the problem and solved it by the simple heuristic of laying down the
virtual function table of a class right next to its first non− virtual non− inline function.
Stroustrup – 33 – A History of C++
4.2 Multiple Inheritance
In most people’s minds multiple inheritance, the ability to have two or more direct base classes, is
the feature of 2.0. I disagreed at the time because I felt that the sum of the improvements to the
type system were of far greater practical importance. Also, adding multiple inheritance in 2.0 was
a mistake. Multiple inheritance belongs in C++ but is far less important than parameterized types.
As it happened, parameterized types in the form of templates only appeared in release 3.0. There
were a couple of reasons for choosing to work on multiple inheritance at the time: The design was
further advanced and the implementation could be done within Cfront. Another factor was purely
irrational. Nobody doubted that I could implement templates efficiently. Multiple inheritance,
on the other hand, was widely supposed to be very difficult to implement efficiently. Thus multiple inheritance seemed more of a challenge and since I had considered it as early as 1982 and
found a simple and efficient implementation technique in 1984 I couldn’t resist the challenge. I
suspect that this is the only case where fashion affected the sequence of events.
In September 1984, I presented the C++ operator overloading mechanism at the IFIP WG2.4
conference in Canterbury [Stroustrup,1984c]. There, I met Stein Krogdahl from the University of
Oslo who was just finishing a proposal for adding multiple inheritance to Simula [Krogdahl,1984]. His ideas became the basis for the implementation of ordinary multiple base classes
in C++. He and I later found out that the proposal was almost identical to an idea for providing
multiple inheritance in Simula that had been considered by Ole− Johan Dahl in 1966 and rejected
because it would have complicated the Simula garbage collector [Dahl,1988].
The original and fundamental reason for considering multiple inheritance was simply to allow
two classes to be combined into one in such a way that objects of the resulting class would
behave as objects of either base class [Stroustrup,1986c]:
‘‘A fairly standard example of the use of multiple inheritance would be to provide two library
classes displayed and task for representing objects under the control of a display manager and co− routines under the control of a scheduler, respectively. A programmer could then
create classes such as
class my_displayed_task : public displayed, public task {
// …
class my_task : public task { // not displayed
// …
class my_displayed : public displayed { // not a task
// …
Using (only) single inheritance only two of these three choices would be open to the programmer.’’
The implementation requires little more than remembering the relative offsets of the task and
displayed objects in a my_displayed_task object. All the gory implementation details
were explained in [Stroustrup,1987a]. In addition, the language design must specify how ambiguities are handled and what to do if a class is specified as a base class more than once in a
derived class:
‘‘Ambiguities are handled at compile time:
Stroustrup – 34 – A History of C++
class A { public: void f(); / … / };
class B { public: void f(); / … / };
class C : public A, public B { / no f() … / };
void g() {
C p;
p−>f(); // error: ambiguous
In this, C++ differs from the object− oriented Lisp dialects that support multiple inheritance.’’
Basically, I rejected all forms of dynamic resolution beyond the use of virtual functions as unsuitable for a statically typed language under severe efficiency constraints. Maybe, I should at this
point have revived the notion of call and return functions (§2.4.8) to mimic the CLOS
:before and :after methods. However, people were already worrying about the complexity
of the multiple inheritance mechanisms and I am always reluctant to re− open old wounds.
Multiple inheritance in C++ became controversial [Cargill,1991] [Carroll,1991] [Waldo,1991]
[Sakkinen,1992] for several reasons. The arguments against it centered around the real and imaginary complexity of the concept, the utility of the concept, and the impact of multiple inheritance
on other extensions and tool building. In addition, proponents of multiple inheritance can and do
argue over exactly what multiple inheritance is supposed to be and how it is best supported in a
language. I think – as I did then – that the fundamental flaw in these arguments is that they take
multiple inheritance far too seriously. Multiple inheritance doesn’t solve all of your problems,
but it doesn’t need to because it is quite cheap, and sometimes it is very convenient to have.
Grady Booch [Booch,1991] expresses a slightly stronger sentiment: ‘‘Multiple inheritance is like
a parachute, you don’t need it very often, but when you do it is essential.’’
4.3 Abstract Classes
The very last feature added to 2.0 before it shipped was abstract classes. Late modification to
releases are never popular and late changes to the definition of what will be shipped are even less
so. I remember that several members of management thought I had lost contact with the real
world when I insisted on this feature.
A common complaint about C++ was (and is) that private data is visible and that when private
data is changed then code using that class must be recompiled. Often, this complaint is expressed
as ‘‘abstract types in C++ aren’t really abstract.’’ What I hadn’t realized was that many people
thought that because they could put the representation of an object in the private section of a class
declaration then they actually had to put it there. This is clearly wrong (and that is how I failed to
spot the problem for years). If you don’t want a representation in a class, thus making the class
an interface only, then you simply delay the specification of the representation to some derived
class and define only virtual functions. For example, one can define a set of T pointers like this:
class set {
virtual void insert(T);
virtual void remove(T);
virtual int is_member(T);
virtual T first();
virtual T next();
virtual ~set() { }
This provides all the information that people need to use a set except that whoever actually
Stroustrup – 35 – A History of C++
creates a set must know something about how some particular kind of set is represented. For
example, given:
class slist_set : public set, private slist {
slink current_elem;
void insert(T);
void remove(T);
int is_member(T);
virtual T first();
virtual T next();
slist_set() : slist(), current_elem(0) { }
we can create slist_set objects that can be used as sets by users that have never heard of a
The only problem was that in C++ as defined before 2.0 there was no explicit way of saying
‘‘The set class is just an interface: its functions need not be defined, it is an error to create
objects of class set, and anyone who derives a class from set must define the virtual functions
specified in set.’’ Release 2.0 allowed a class to be declared explicitly abstract by declaring
one or more of its virtual functions ‘‘pure’’ using the syntax =0:
class set { // abstract class
virtual void insert(T) = 0; // pure virtual function
virtual void remove(T) = 0;
// …
The =0 syntax wasn’t exactly brilliant, but it expresses the desired notion of a pure virtual function in a way that is terse and fits the use of 0 to mean ‘‘nothing’’ or ‘‘not there’’ in C and C++.
The alternative, introducing a new keyword, say pure, wasn’t an option. Given the opposition
to abstract classes as a ‘‘late and unimportant change,’’ I would never simultaneously have overcome the traditional, strong, widespread, and emotional opposition to new keywords in parts of
the C and C++ community.
The importance of the abstract class concept is that it allows a cleaner separation between a
user and an implementor than is possible without it. This limits the amount of recompilation necessary after a change and also the amount of information necessary to compile an average piece of
code. By decreasing the coupling between a user and an implementor, abstract classes provide an
answer to people complaining about long compile times and also serve library providers who
must worry about the impact to users of changes to a library implementation. I had unsuccessfully tried to explain these notions in [Stroustrup,1986b]. With an explicit language feature supporting abstract classes I was much more successful [Stroustrup,1991].
5 The Explosion in Interest and Use
C++ was designed to serve users. It was not an academic experiment to design the perfect programming language. Nor was it a commercial product meant to enrich its developers. Thus to
fulfill its purpose C++ had to have users – and it had:
Stroustrup – 36 – A History of C++
____ C++ use ____
____ Date estimated number of users
Oct 1979 1
Oct 1980 16
Oct 1981 38
Oct 1982 85
Oct 1983 ??+2 (no Cpre count)
Oct 1984 ??+50 (no Cpre count)
Oct 1985 500
Oct 1986 2,000
Oct 1987 4,000
Oct 1988 15,000
Oct 1989 50,000
Oct 1990 150,000
____ Oct 1991 400,000 ⎜
In other words, the C++ user population doubled every 7.5 months or so. These are conservative
figures. The actual number of C++ users has never been easy to count. Firstly, there are implementations such as GNU’s G++ and Cfront shipped to universities for which no meaningful
records can be kept. Secondly, many companies, both tools suppliers and end− users, treat the
number of their users and the kind of work they do like state secrets. However, I always had
many friends, colleagues, contacts, and many compiler suppliers who were willing to trust me
with figures as long as I used them in a responsible manner. This enabled me to estimate the
number of C++ users. These estimates are created by taking the number of users reported to me
or estimated based on personal experience, rounding them all down, adding them, and then rounding down again. These number are the estimates made at the time and not adjusted in any way.
To support the claim that these figures are conservative, I can mention that Borland, the largest
single C++ compiler supplier, publicly stated that it had shipped 500,000 compilers by October
Early users had to be gained without the benefit of traditional marketing. Various forms of
electronic communication played a crucial role in this. In the early years most distribution and all
support was done using email and relatively early on newsgroups dedicated to C++ were created
(not at the initiative of Bell Labs employees) that allowed a wider dissemination of information
about the language, techniques, and the current state of tools. These days this is fairly ordinary,
but in 1981 it was relatively new. I think that only the spread of Interlisp over the Arpanet provides a contemporary parallel.
Later, more conventional forms of communication and marketing arose. After AT&T released
Cfront 1.0 some resellers, notably Glockenspiel in Ireland and their US distributor Oasys (later
part of Green Hills) started some minimal advertising in 1986, and when independently developed C++ compilers such as Oregon Software’s C++ Compiler (developed by Mike Ball at TauMetric Software in San Diego) and Zortech’s C++ Compiler (developed by Walter Bright in Seattle) appeared ‘C++’ became a common sight in ads (from about 1988).
5.1 Conferences
In 1987 USENIX, the UNIX Users’ association, took the initiative to hold the first conference
specifically devoted to C++. Thirty papers were presented to 214 people in Santa Fe, NM in
November of 1987.
The Santa Fe conference set a good example for future conferences with a mix of papers on
applications, programming and teaching techniques, ideas for improvements to the language,
libraries, and implementation techniques. Notably for a USENIX conference, there were papers
Stroustrup – 37 – A History of C++
on C++ on the Apple MAC, OS/2, the Connection machine, and for implementing non− UNIX
operating systems (for example, CLAM [Call,1987] and Choices [Campbell,1987]). The NIH
library [Gorlen,1987] and the Inverviews library [Linton,1987] also made their public debut in
Santa Fe. An early version of what became Cfront 2.0 was demonstrated and I gave the first public presentation of its features. The USENIX C++ conferences continue as the primary technically
and academically oriented C++ conference. The proceedings from these conferences are among
the best reading about C++ and its use.
In addition to the USENIX C++ conferences, there are now many commercial and semi−
commercial conferences devoted to C++, to C including C++, and to Object− Oriented Programming.
5.2 Journals and Books
By 1991 there were more than 60 books on C++ available in English alone and both translations
and locally written books available in languages such as Chinese, Danish, French, German, and
Japanese. Naturally, the quality varies enormously.
The first journal devoted to C++, ‘‘The C++ Report’’ from SIGS publications, started publishing in January 1989 with Rob Murray as its editor, A larger and glossier quarterly ‘‘The C++
Journal’’ appeared in the spring of 1991. In addition there are several newsletters controlled by
C++ tools suppliers and many journals such as Computer Language, The Journal of Object−
Oriented Programming, Dr. Dobbs Journal, The C Users’ Journal, run regular columns or features on C++. Andrew Koenig’s column in JOOP is particularly consistent in its quality and lack
of hype.
Newsgroup and bulletin boards such as comp.lang.c++ on usenet and c.plus.plus on BIX also
produced tens of thousands of messages over the years to the delight and despair of the readers.
Keeping up with what is written about C++ is currently more than a full time job.
5.3 Libraries
The very first real code to be written in C with Classes was the task library [Stroustrup,1980b]
providing Simula− like concurrency for simulation. The first real programs were simulations of
network traffic, circuit board layout, etc. using the task library. The task library is still heavily
used today. The standard C library was available from C++ – without overhead or complication
compared with C – from day one. So are all other C libraries. Classical data types such as character strings, range checked arrays, dynamic arrays, and lists were among the examples used to
design C++ and test its early implementations.
The early work with container classes such as list and array were severely hampered by the
lack of support for a way of expressing parameterized types in C with Classes and in C++ up until
version 3.0. In the absence of proper language support, (later provided in the form of templates
(§6.3) we had to made do with macros. The best that can be said for the C preprocessor’s macro
facilities is that it allowed us to gain experience with parameterized types and support individual
and small group use.
Much of the work on designing classes was done in cooperation with Jonathan Shopiro who in
1983 produced list and string classes that saw wide use within AT&T and are the basis for the
classes currently found in the ‘‘Standard Components’’ library that was developed in Bell labs
and is now sold by USL. The design of these early libraries interacted directly with the design of
the language and in particular with the design of the overloading mechanisms.
Stroustrup – 38 – A History of C++
5.3.1 The Stream I/O Library
C’s printf family of functions is an effective and often convenient I/O mechanism. It is not,
however, type safe or extensible to user− defined types (classes). Consequently, I started looking
for a type safe, terse, extensible, and efficient alternative to the printf family. Part of the inspiration came from the last page and a half of the Ada Rationale [Ichbiah,1979], which is an argument that you cannot have a terse and type− safe I/O library without special language features to
support it. I took that as a challenge. The result was the stream I/O library that was first implemented in 1984 and presented in [Stroustrup,1985]. Soon after, Dave Presotto reimplemented the
stream library without changing the interfaces.
To introduce stream I/O this example was considered:
fprintf(stderr,"x = %s\n",x);
Because fprintf() relies on unchecked arguments that are handled according to the format
string at run time this is not type safe and
‘‘had x been a user− defined type like complex there would have been no way of specifying
the output format of x in the convenient way used for types ‘‘known to printf()’’ (for
example, %s and %d). The programmer would typically have defined a separate function for
printing complex numbers and then written something like this:
fprintf(stderr,"x = ");
This is inelegant. It would have been be a major annoyance in C++ programs that use many
user− defined types to represent entities that are interesting/critical to an application.
Type− security and uniform treatment can be achieved by using a single overloaded function
name for a set of output functions. For example:
put(stderr,"x = ");
The type of the argument determines which ‘‘put function’’ will be invoked for each argument. However, this is too verbose. The C++ solution, using an output stream for which <<
has been defined as a ‘‘put to’’ operator, looks like this:
cerr << "x = " << x << "\n";
where cerr is the standard error output stream (equivalent to the C stderr). So, if x is an
int with the value 123, this statement would print
x = 123
followed by a newline onto the standard error output stream.
This style can be used as long as x is of a type for which operator << is defined, and a user
can trivially define operator << for a new type. So, if x is of the user− defined type complex
with the value (1,2.4), the statement above will print
x = (1,2.4)
on cerr.
The stream I/O facility is implemented exclusively using language features available to
every C++ programmer. Like C, C++ does not have any I/O facilities built into the language.
The stream I/O facility is provided in a library and contains no ‘‘extra− linguistic magic’’.’’
The idea of providing an output operator rather than a named output function was suggested by
Doug McIlroy. This requires operators that return their left− hand operand for use by further operations.
Stroustrup – 39 – A History of C++
In connection with release 2.0, Jerry Schwarz reimplemented and partially redesigned the
streams library to serve a larger class of applications and to be more efficient for file I/O. A significant improvement was the use of Andrew Koenig’s idea of manipulators [Stroustrup,1991] to
control formatting details such as the precision used for floating point output. Experience with
streams was a major reason for the change to the basic type system and to the overloading rules to
allow char values to be treated as characters rather than small integers the way they are in C.
For example:
char ch = ’b’;
cout << ’a’ << ch;
would in Release 1. output a string of digits reflecting the integer values of the characters a and
b whereas Release 2. outputs ab as one would expect.
5.3.2 Other Libraries
There were and are many other significant C++ libraries. These will be mentioned only briefly
here because even though they were essential to their users they did not affect the development of
C++ significantly. They are, however, most significant to their users and most users’ view of C++
is strongly affected or even dominated by a library.
The most significant early libraries was Keith Gorlen’s [Gorlen,1990] NIH class library that
provides a Smalltalk− like set of classes and Mark Linton’s Interviews library [Linton,1987] that
makes use of the X windows system convenient from C++. GNU C++ (G++) comes with a
library designed by Doug Lea that is distinguished by heavy use of abstract base classes. Rogue
Wave and Dyad supply large sets of libraries primarily aimed at scientific uses. Glockenspiel has
for years supplied libraries for various commercial uses. Rational ships a C++ version of ‘‘The
Booch Components’’ that was originally designed for and implemented in Ada by Grady Booch.
Grady Booch and Mike Vilot designed and implemented the C++ version. The Ada version is
150,000 non− commented source lines compared to the C++ version’s 10,000 lines – inheritance
combined with templates can be a very powerful mechanism for organizing libraries without loss
of performance or clarity.
This is only a very short list of early libraries to indicate the diversity of C++ libraries. Many
more libraries exists. In particular, most tools suppliers provide foundation libraries for their
users. It seems that the ‘‘software components’’ industry that pundits have promised for years –
and bemoaned the lack of – has finally come into existence.
5.4 Compilers
The Santa Fe conference (§5.1) marked the announcement of the second wave of C++ implementations. Steve Dewhurst described the architecture of a compiler he and others were building in
AT&T’s Summit facility, Mike Ball presented some ideas for what became the TauMetric C++
compiler (more often known as the Oregon Software C++ compiler), and Mike Tiemann gave a
most animated and interesting presentation of how the GNU G++ he was building would do just
about everything and put all other C++ compiler writers out of business. The new AT&T C++
compiler never materialized; GNU C++ version 1.13 was first released in December 1987; and
TauMetric C++ first shipped in January 1988.
Until June 1988 all C++ compiler on PCs were Cfront ports. Then Zortech started shipping
their compiler. The appearance of Walter Bright’s compiler made C++ ‘‘real’’ for many PC−
oriented people for the first time. More conservative people reserved their judgement until the
Borland C++ compiler in May 1990 or even Microsoft’s C++ compiler in March 1992. DEC
released their first independently developed C++ compiler in February 1992 and IBM released
their first independently developed C++ compiler in May 1992. In all there are now more than a
dozen independently developed C++ compilers.
In addition to these compilers, Cfront ports seemed to be everywhere. In particular, Sun, HP,
Stroustrup – 40 – A History of C++
Centerline, ParcPlace, Glockenspiel, and Comeau Computing ship Cfront− based products on just
about any platform.
5.5 Tools and Environments
C++ was designed to be a viable language in a tool− poor environment. This was partly a necessity
because of the almost complete lack of resources in the early years and the relative poverty later
on. It was also a conscious decision to allow simple implementations and in particular simple
porting of implementations.
C++ programming environments are now emerging that are a match for the environments
habitually supplied with other object− oriented languages. For example, ObjectWorks for C++
from ParcPlace is essentially the best Smalltalk program development environment adapted for
C++, and Centerline C++ (formerly Saber C++) is an interpreter− based C++ environment inspired
by the interlisp environment. This gives C++ programmers the option of using the more whizzy,
more expensive, and often more productive environments that have previously only been available for other languages and/or as research toys. An environment is a framework in which tools
can cooperate. There is now a host of such environments for C++: Most C++ implementations on
PCs are compilers embedded in a framework of editors, tools, file systems, standard libraries, etc.
MacApp and the Mac MPW is the Apple Mac version of that, ET++ is a public domain version in
the style of the MacApp. Lucid’s Energize and HP’s Softbench are yet other examples.
5.6 Commercial Competition
Commercial competitors were largely ignored and the C++ language was developed according to
the original plan, its own internal logic, and the experience of its users. There was (and is) always
much discussion among programmers, in the press, at conferences, and on the electronic bulletin
boards about which language ‘‘is best’’ and which language will ‘‘win’’ in some sort of competition for users. Personally, I consider much of that debate misguided and uninformed, but that
doesn’t make the issues less real to a programmer, manager, or professor who has to choose a
programming language for his or her next project. For good and bad, people debate programming
languages with an almost religious fevor and often consider the choice of programming language
the most important choice of a project or organization.
In the early years, Modula− 2 [Wirth,1982] was by many considered a competitor to C++.
However, until the commercial release of C++ in 1985, C++ could hardly be considered a competitor to any language, and by then Modula− 2 seemed to me to have been largely outcompeted by
C. Later it was popular to speculate about whether C++ or Objective C [Cox,1986] was to be
‘‘the Object− Oriented C.’’ Ada [Ichbiah,1979] was often a possible choice of organizations who
might use C++. In addition, Smalltalk [Goldberg,1983] and some object− oriented variant of Lisp
[Kiczales,1992] would often be considered for applications that did not require hard− core systems
work or maximum performance. Lately, some people have been comparing C++ with Eiffel
[Meyer,1988] and Modula− 3 [Nelson,1991] for some uses.
My personal view is different. The main competitor to C++ was C. The reason that C++ is the
most widely used object− oriented language today is that it was/is the only one that could consistently match C on C’s own turf and that allows a transition path from C to a style of system
design and implementation based on a more direct mapping between application level concepts
and language concepts (usually called ‘‘data abstraction’’ or ‘‘object− oriented programming.’’).
Secondarily many organizations that consider a new programming language have a tradition for
the use of an in− house language (usually a Pascal variant) or Fortran. Except for serious scientific
computation these languages can be considered roughly equivalent to C when compared with
In the secondary competition between C++ and other newer languages supporting abstraction
mechanisms (object− oriented programming languages, languages supporting data abstraction)
Stroustrup – 41 – A History of C++
C++ was during the early years (1984 to 1989) consistently the underdog as far as marketing was
concerned. In particular, AT&T’s marketing budget during that period was usually empty and
AT&T’s total spending on C++ advertising was about $3,000. To this day, most of AT&T’s visibility in the C++ arena relies on Bell Labs’ traditional policy of encouraging developers and
researchers to give talks, write papers, and attend conferences rather than on any deliberate policy
to promote C++. Within AT&T, C++ was also a grass− roots movement without money or management clout. Naturally, coming from AT&T Bell Labs helps C++, but that help is earned the
hard way by surviving in a large− company environment.
In competition, C++’s fundamental strength is its ability to operate in a traditional environment (social and computer− wise), its run− time and space efficiency, the flexibility of its class concept, its low price, and its non− proprietary nature. Its weaknesses compared to newer languages
are some of the uglier parts inherited from C, its lack of spectacular new features (such as built− in
data base support), its lack of spectacular program development environments (only lately have
C++ environments of the sort people have taken for granted for Smalltalk and Lisp become available for C++), its lack of standard libraries (only lately have major libraries become widely available for C++ – and they are not ‘‘standard’’†), and its lack of salesmen to balance the efforts of
richer competitors. With C++’s recent dominance in the market the last factor has disappeared.
Some C++ salesmen will undoubtedly embarrass the C++ community by emulating some of the
sleazy tricks and unscrupulous practices that salesmen and admen have used to attempt to derail
C++’s progress.
An important factor, both for and against C++, was the willingness of the C++ community to
acknowledge C++’s many imperfections. This openness is reassuring to many that have become
cynics from years of experience with the people and products of the software tools industry, but
also infuriating to perfectionists and a fertile source for fair and not− so− fair criticism of C++. On
balance, I think that tradition of throwing rocks at C++ within the C++ community has been a
major advantage. It kept us honest, kept us busy improving the language and its tools, and kept
the expectations of C++ users and would− be users realistic.
In competition with traditional languages, C++’s inheritance mechanism was a major plus. In
competition with languages with inheritance, C++’s static type checking was a major plus. Of the
languages mentioned, only Eiffel and Modula− 3 combines the two in a way similar to C++. It is
widely assumed that Ada will be revised to include inheritance [Tucker,1992].
C++ was designed to be a systems programming language and a language for applications that
had a large ‘‘systems− like’’ component. This was the area that my friends and I knew well. The
decision not to compromise C++’s strengths in this area to broaden its appeal has been crucial in
its success. Only time will tell if this has also compromised its ability to appeal to an even larger
audience. I would not consider that a tragedy because I am not among those that think that a single language should be all things to all people and C++ already serves the community it was
designed for well. However, I suspect that through the design of libraries C++’s appeal will be
very wide.
† This problem has now been remedied. The standard C++ library provides standard containers, such as list, vector,
map, set, etc. and a library of sorting, searching, etc. algorithms operating on these containers. These containers and
algorithms are all templates. This part of the standard library is based on the work of Alex Stepanov [Stepanov,1994].
In addition, the standard library provides a vector type with associated operations to support numeric calculations
based on the work of Ken Budge.
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6 Standardization
Sometime in 1988 it became clear that C++ would eventually have to be standardized [Stroustrup,1989]. There were now a handful of independent implementations in use or being produced
and clearly an effort had to be made to write a more precise and comprehensive definition of the
language and also to gain wide acceptance for that definition. At first, formal standardization
wasn’t considered an option. Many people involved with C++ considered – and still consider –
standardization before genuine experience has been gained abhorrent. However, making an
improved reference manual wasn’t something that could be done by one person (me) in private.
Input and feedback from the C++ community was needed. Thus I came upon the idea of re−
writing the C++ reference manual and circulating its draft among important and insightful members of the C++ community worldwide.
6.1 The Annotated Reference Manual
At about the same time, the part of AT&T that sold C++ commercially wanted a new and
improved C++ reference manual and gave Margaret Ellis the task of writing it. It seemed only
reasonable to combine the efforts and produce a single, externally reviewed reference manual. It
also seemed obvious to me that publishing this manual with some additional information would
help the acceptance of the new definition and make C++ more widely understood. Thus, the
Annotated C++ Reference Manual was written ‘‘to provide a firm basis for the further evolution
of C++ … (and) to serve as a starting point for the formal standardization of C++ [Ellis,1990].’’
‘‘The C++ reference manual alone provides a complete definition of C++, but the terse reference manual style leaves many reasonable questions unanswered. Discussions of what is not
in the language, why certain features are defined as they are, and how one might implement
some particular feature have no place in a reference manual but are nevertheless of interest to
most users. Such discussions are presented as annotations and in the commentary sections.
The commentary also helps the reader appreciate the relationships among different parts of
the language and emphasizes points and implications that might have been overlooked in the
reference manual itself. Examples and comparisons with C also make this book more
approachable than the bare reference manual [Ellis,1990].’’
After some minor squabbling with the product people it was agreed that we’d write the ARM
(as ‘‘The Annotated C++ Reference Manual’’ came to be popularly called) describing the whole
of C++, that is with templates and exception handling, rather than as a manual for the subset
implemented by the most recent AT&T release. This was important because it clearly established
the language itself as different from any one implementation of it. This principle had been present from the very beginning, but needs to be restated often because users and implementors seem
to have difficulties remembering it.
Of the ARM, I wrote every word of the reference manual proper except the section on the preprocessor that Margaret Ellis adopted from the C Standard. The annotations were jointly written
and partly based on my earlier papers [Stroustrup,1987a] [Stroustrup,1987c] [Stroustrup,1988a]
The reference manual proper of the ARM was reviewed by about a hundred people from two
dozen organizations. Most are named in the acknowledgement section of the ARM. In addition,
many contributed to the whole of the ARM. The contributions of Brian Kernighan, Andrew
Koenig, and Doug McIlroy were specifically noted. The reference manual proper from the ARM
was accepted as the basis for the ANSI standardization of C++ in March 1990.
The ARM doesn’t attempt to explain the techniques that the language features support. That
job was left for the second edition of The C++ Programming Language [Stroustrup,1991].
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6.2 Minor Features
The ARM presented a few minor features that were not implemented until 2.1 releases from
AT&T and other C++ compiler vendors. The most obvious of these were nested classes. I was
strongly encouraged to revert to the original definition of nested class scopes by comments from
external reviewers of the reference manual. I also despaired over ever getting the scope rules of
C++ coherent while the C rule was in place (§3.4).
The ARM allowed people to overload prefix and postfix increment (++) independently. The
main impetus for that came from people who wanted ‘‘smart pointers’’ that behaved exactly like
ordinary pointers except for some added work done ‘‘behind the scenes.’’
6.3 Templates
In the original design of C++, parameterized types (templates) were considered but postponed
because there wasn’t time to do a thorough job of exploring the design and implementation
issues. I first presented templates at the 1988 USENIX C++ conference in Denver
‘‘For many people, the largest single problem using C++ is the lack of an extensive standard
library. A major problem in producing such a library is that C++ does not provide a sufficiently general facility for defining ‘‘container classes’’ such as lists, vectors, and associative
There are two approaches for providing such classes/types: One can either rely on dynamic typing
and inheritance like Smalltalk does, or one can rely on static typing and a facility for arguments
of type type. The former is very flexible, but carries a high run− time cost, and more importantly
defies attempts to use static type checking to catch interface errors. Therefore, the latter approach
was chosen.
A C++ parameterized type is called a class template. A class template specifies how individual classes can be constructed much like the way a class specifies how individual objects can be
constructed. A vector class template might be declared like this:
T v;
int sz;
T& operator;
T& elem(int i) { return v[i]; }
// …
The template
other type names within the scope of the template declaration. Vectors can then be used like this:
typedef vector
// vector
cvec v3(40); // v2 and v3 are of the same type
v1[3] = 7;
v2[3] = v3.elem(4) = complex(7,8);
C++ does not require the user to explicitly ‘‘instantiate’’ a template; that is, the user need not
specify which versions of a template needs to be generated for particular sets of template
Stroustrup – 44 – A History of C++
arguments. The reason is that only when the program is complete can it be known what templates
need to be instantiated. Many templates will be defined in libraries and many instantiations will
be directly and indirectly caused by users that don’t even know of the existence of those templates. It therefore seemed unreasonable to require the user to request instantiations (say, by
using something like Ada’s ‘new’ operator).
Avoiding unnecessary space overheads caused by too many instantiations of template functions was considered a first order – that is, language level – problem rather than an implementation detail. I considered it unlikely that early (or even late) implementations would be able to
look at instantiations of a class for different template arguments and deduce that all or part of the
instantiated code could be shared. The solution to this problem was to use the derived class
mechanism to ensure code sharing among derived template instances.
The template mechanism is completely a compile and link time mechanism. No part of the
template mechanism needs run− time support. This leaves the problem of how to get the classes
and functions generated (instantiated) from templates to depend on information known only at run
time. The answer was, as ever in C++, to use virtual functions and abstract classes. Abstract
classes used in connection with templates also have the effect of providing better information hiding and better separation of programs into independently compiled units.
6.4 Exception Handling
Exceptions were considered in the original design of C++, but were postponed because there
wasn’t time to do a thorough job of exploring the design and implementation issues. Exceptions
were considered essential for error handling in programs composed out of separately designed
The actual design of the C++ exception mechanism stretched from 1984 to 1989. Andrew
Koenig was closely involved in the later iterations and is the co− author (with me) on the published
papers [Koenig,1989a] [Koenig,1990] [Koenig,1990]. I also had meetings at Apple, DEC,
Microsoft, IBM, Sun, and other places where I presented draft versions of the design and received
valuable input. In particular, I searched out people with actual experience with systems providing
exception handling to compensate for my personal inexperience in that area. Throughout the
design effort there was an increasing influence of systems designers of all sorts and a decrease of
input from the language design community. In retrospect, the greatest influence on the C++
exception handling design was the work on fault− tolerant systems started at the University of
Newcastle in England by Brian Randell and his colleagues and continued in many places since.
The following assumptions were made for the design:
– Exceptions are used primarily for error handling.
– Exception handlers are rare compared to function definitions.
– Exceptions occur infrequently compared to function calls.
These assumptions, together with the requirement that C++ with exceptions should cooperate
smoothly with languages without exceptions, such as C and Fortran, led to a design with multi−
level propagation. The view is that not every function should be a fire− wall and that the best
error− handling strategies are those where only designated major interfaces are concerned with
non− local error handling issues. By allowing multi− level propagation of exceptions C++ loses one
aspect of static checking. One cannot simply by looking at a function determine which exceptions it may throw. C++ compensates by providing a mechanism for specifying a list of exceptions that a function may throw.
I concluded that the ability to define groups of exceptions is essential. For example, a user
must be able to catch ‘‘any I/O library exception’’ without knowing exactly which exceptions
those are. Many people, including Ted Goldstein and Peter Deutsch, noticed that most such
groups were equivalent to class hierarchies. We therefore adopted a scheme inspired by ML
where you throw an object and catch it by a handler declared to accepts objects of that type. This
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scheme naturally provides for type− safe transmission of arbitrary amounts of information from a
throw point to a handler. For example:
class Matherr { / … / };
class Overflow : public Matherr { / … / };
class Underflow : public Matherr { / … / };
class Zerodivide : public Matherr { / … / };
class Int_add_overflow : public Overflow { / … */ };
// …
try {
catch (Overflow& over) {
// handle Overflow or anything derived from Overflow
catch (Matherr& math) {
// handle any Matherr
Thus f() might be written like this
void f() throw(Matherr&) // f() can throw Matherr& exceptions
// (and only Matherr& exceptions)
// …
if (d == 0) throw Zerodivide();
// …
if ( check(x,y) ) throw Int_add_overflow(x,y);
// …
The Zerodivide will be caught by the Matherr& handler above and Int_add_overflow
will be caught by the Overflow& handler that might access the operand values x and y passed
by f() in the object thrown.
The central point in the exception handling design was the management of resources. In particular, if a function grabs a resource how can the language help the user to ensure that the
resource is correctly released upon exit even if an exception occurs? The problem with most
solutions are that they are verbose, tedious, potentially expensive and therefore error− prone.
However, I noticed that many resources are released in the reverse order of their acquisition. This
strongly resembles the behavior of local objects created by constructors and destroyed by destructors. Thus we can handle such resource acquisition and release problems by a suitable use of
objects of classes with constructors and destructors. This technique extends to partially constructed objects and thus addresses the otherwise difficult issue of what to do when an error is
encountered in a constructor.
During the design the most contentious issue turned out to be whether the exception handling
mechanism should support termination semantics or resumption semantics; that is, whether it
should be possible for an exception handler to require execution to resume from the point where
the exception was thrown. The main resumption vs termination debate took place in the ANSI
C++ committee. After a discussion that lasted for about a year, the exception handling proposal
as presented in the ARM (that is, with termination semantics) was voted into C++ by an overwhelming majority. The key to that consensus was presentations of experience data based on
decades of use of systems that supported both resumption and termination semantics by representatives of DEC, Sun, Texas Instruments, IBM, and others. Basically, every use of resumption had
represented a failure to keep separate levels of abstraction disjoint.
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The C++ exception handling mechanism is explicitly not for handling asynchronous events
directly. This view precludes the direct use of exceptions to represent something like hitting a
DEL key and the replacement of UNIX signals with exceptions. In such cases, a low− level interrupt routine must somehow do its minimal job and possibly map into something that could trigger
an exception at a well− defined point in a programs execution.
As ever, efficiency was a major concern. The C++ exception handling mechanism can be
implemented without any run− time overhead to a program that doesn’t throw an exception
[Stroustrup,1988b]. It is also possible to limit space overhead, but it is hard simultaneously to
avoid run− time overhead and code size increases. The first implementations of exception handling as defined in the ARM are just appearing (Spring 1992).
6.5 ANSI and ISO
The initiative to formal (ANSI) standardization of C++ was taken by HP in conjunction with
AT&T, DEC, and IBM. Larry Rosler from HP was important in this initiative. The proposal for
ANSI standardization was written by Dmitry Lenkov [Lenkov,1989]. Dmitry’s proposal cites
several reasons for immediate standardization of C++:
– C++ is going through a much faster public acceptance than most other languages.
– Delay … will lead to dialects.
– Requires a careful and detailed definition providing full semantics … for each language feature.
– C++ lacks some important features … exception handling, aspects of multiple inheritance,
features supporting parametric polymorphism, and standard libraries.
The proposal also stressed the need for compatibility with ANSI C. The organizational meeting
of the ANSI C++ committee, X3J16 took place in December of 1989 in Washington, D.C. and
was attended by about 40 people including people who took part in the C standardization, people
who by now were ‘‘old time C++ programmers,’’ and others. Dmitry Lenkov became its chairman and Jonathan Shopiro became its editor.
The committee now has more than 250 members out of which something like 70 turn up at
meetings. The aim of the committee was and is a draft standard for public review in late 1993 or
early 1994 with the hope of an official standard about two years later†. This is an ambitious
schedule for the standardization of a general− purpose programming language. To compare, the
standardization of C took 7 years.
Naturally, standardization of C++ isn’t just an American concern. From the start, representatives from other countries attended the ANSI C++ meetings; and in Lund, Sweden, in June 1991
the ISO C++ committee WG21 was convened and the two C++ standards committees decided to
hold joint meetings – starting immediately in Lund. Representatives from Canada, Denmark,
France, Japan, Sweden, the UK, and USA were present. Notably, the vast majority of these
national representatives were actually long− time C++ programmers. The C++ committee had a
difficult charter:
[1] The definition of the language must be precise and comprehensive.
[2] C/C++ compatibility had to be addressed.
[3] Extensions beyond current C++ practice had to be considered.
[4] Libraries had to be considered.
On top of that, the C++ community was very diverse and totally unorganized so that the standards
committee naturally became an important focal point of that community. In the short run, that is
actually the most important role for the committee.
C compatibility was the first major controversial issue we had to face. After some – occasionally heated – debate it was decided that 100% C/C++ compatibility wasn’t an option. Neither
† We still expect to see a C++ ISO standard in late− 1995 to mid− 1996.
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was significantly decreasing C compatibility. C++ was a separate language and not a strict superset of ANSI C and couldn’t be changed to be such a superset without breaking the C++ type system and without breaking millions of lines of C++ code. This decision, often referred to as ‘‘As
close to C, but no closer’’ after a paper written by Andrew Koenig and me [Koenig1989a], is the
same that has been reached over and over again by individuals and groups considering C++ and
the direction of its evolution (§3.4).
6.6 Rampant Featurism?
A critical issue was – and is – how to handle the constant stream of proposals for language
changes and extensions. The focus of that effort is the extensions working group of which I’m
the chairman. It is much easier to accept a proposal than to reject it. You win friends this way
and people praise the language for having so many ‘‘neat features.’’ Unfortunately, a language
made as a shopping list of features without coherence will die so there is no way we could accept
even most of the features that would be of genuine help to some section of the C++ community.
So how is the committee doing? We won’t really know until the standard appears because
there is no way of knowing which, if any, of the backlog of proposals will be accepted. There is
some hope of restraint and that accepted features will be properly integrated into the language.
Only three new features have been accepted so far: the ‘‘mandated’’ extensions (exception handling and templates), and a proposal for relaxing the requirements for return types for overriding
7 Retrospective
It is often claimed that hindsight is an exact science. It is not. The claim is based on the false
assumptions that we know all relevant facts about what happened in the past, that we know the
current state of affairs, and that we have a suitably detached point of view from which to judge
the past. Typically none of these conditions hold. This makes a retrospective on something as
large, complex, and dynamic as a programming language in large scale use hazardous. Anyway,
let me try to stand back and answer some hard questions:
[1] Did C++ succeed at what it was designed for?
[2] Is C++ a coherent language?
[3] What was the biggest mistake?
Naturally, the replies to these questions are related. The basic answers are, ‘yes,’ ‘yes,’ and ‘not
shipping a larger library with release 1.0.’
7.1 Did C++ succeed at what it was designed for?
‘‘C++ is a general purpose programming language designed to make programming more enjoyable for the serious programmer [Stroustrup1986b].’’ In this, it clearly succeeded, especially in
the more specific aim of letting reasonably educated and experienced programmers write programs at a higher level of abstraction (‘‘as in Simula’’) without loss of efficiency compared to C
for applications that were demanding in time, space, inherent complexity, and constraints from
the execution environment.
More generally, C++ made object− oriented programming and data abstraction available to the
community of software developers that until then had considered such techniques and the languages that supported them such as Smalltalk, Clu, Simula, Ada, OO Lisp dialects, etc., with disdain and even scorn: ‘‘expensive toys unfit for real problems.’’ C++ did three things to overcome
† As I write this, the chance of any significant additions to the C++ language by the standard committee is about zero.
Many minor extensions was added, but I think that C++ is now a significantly more powerful, pleasent, and coherent
language that is was when the standards process started. The major ‘‘new’’ extensions was run− time type information,
namespaces, and the sum of many minor improvements to templates; see [Stroustrup,1994].
Stroustrup – 48 – A History of C++
this formidable barrier:
[1] It produced code with run− time and space characteristics that competed head− on with the
perceived leader in that field: C. Anything that matches or beats C must be fast enough.
Anything that doesn’t can and will – out of need or mere prejudice – be ignored.
[2] It allowed such code to be integrated into conventional systems and produced on traditional
systems. A conventional degree of portability, the ability to coexist with existing code,
and the ability to coexist with traditional tools, such as debuggers and editors, was essential.
[3] It allowed a gradual transition to these new programming techniques. It takes time to learn
new techniques. Companies simply cannot afford to have significant numbers of programmers unproductive while they are learning. Nor can they afford the cost of failed projects
caused by programmers poorly trained and inexperienced in the new techniques failing by
overenthusiastically misapplying ideas.
In other words, C++ made object− oriented programming and data abstraction cheap and accessible.
In succeeding, C++ didn’t just help ‘‘itself’’ and the C++ programmers. It also provided a
major impetus to languages that provided different aspects of object− oriented programming and
data abstraction. C++ isn’t everything to all people and doesn’t deliver on every promise ever
made about some language or other. It does deliver on its own promises often enough to break
down the wall of disbelief that stood in the way of all languages that allowed programmers to
work at a higher level of abstraction.
7.2 Is C++ a Coherent Language?
C++ was successful in its own terms and is an effective vehicle for systems development, but is it
a good language? Does C++ have an ecological niche now that the barriers of ignorance and prejudice against abstraction techniques have been broken?
Basically, I am happy with the language and quite a few users agree. There are many details
I’d like to improve if I could, but the fundamental concept of a statically typed language using
classes with virtual functions as the inheritance mechanism and facilities for low− level programming is sound.
7.2.1 What Should and Could Have Been Different?
Given a clean slate, what would be a better language than C++ for the things C++ is meant for?
Consider the first order decisions: use of static type checking, clean separation between language
and environment, no direct support for concurrency, ability to match the layout of objects and call
sequences for languages such as C and Fortran, C compatibility.
Firstly, I considered and still consider static type checking essential both as a support for good
design and secondarily for delivering acceptable run− time efficiency. Were I to design a new language for what C++ is used for today, I would again follow the Simula model of type checking
and inheritance, not the Smalltalk or Lisp models. As I have said many times ‘‘Had I wanted an
imitation Smalltalk, I would have built a much better imitation. Smalltalk is the best Smalltalk
around. If you want Smalltalk, use it [Stroustrup,1990].’’ Having both static type checking and
dynamic type identification (for example, in the form of virtual function calls) implies some difficult tradeoffs compared to language with only static or only dynamic type checking. The static
type model and the dynamic type model cannot be identical and thus there will be some complexity and inelegance that can be avoided by supporting only one type model. However, I wouldn’t
want to write programs with only one model.
I also still consider a separation between the environment and the language essential. I do not
want to use only one language, only one set of tools, and only one operating system. To offer a
choice, separation is necessary. However, once the separation exists one can provide different
Stroustrup – 49 – A History of C++
environments to suit different tastes and different requirements for supportiveness, resource consumption, and portability.
We never have a clean slate. Whatever new we do we must also make it possible for people to
make a transition from old tools and ideas to new. Thus, if C hadn’t been there for C++ to be
almost compatible with then I would have chosen to be almost compatible with some other language.
Should a new language support garbage collection directly, say, like Modula− 3 does? If so,
could C++ have met its goals had it provided garbage collection? Garbage collection is great
when you can afford it. Therefore, the option of having garbage collection is clearly desirable.
However, garbage collection can be costly in terms of run time, real− time response, and porting
effort (exactly how costly is the topic of much confused debate). Therefore, being forced to pay
for garbage collection at all times isn’t necessarily a blessing. C++ allows optional garbage collection [Ellis,1990], and I expect to see many experiments with garbage collecting C++ implementations in the near future. However, I am convinced (after reviewing the issue many times
over the years) that had C++ depended on garbage collection it would have been stillborn.
Should a language have reference semantics for variables (that is a name is really a pointer to
an object allocated elsewhere) like Smalltalk or Clu or true local variables like C and Pascal?
This question relates to several issues such as co− existence with other languages, compatibility,
and garbage collection. Simula dodged the question by having references to class objects (only)
and true variables for objects of built− in types (only). Again, I consider it an open issue whether a
language could be designed that provided the benefits of both references and true local variables
without ugliness. Given a choice between elegance and the benefits of having both references
and true local variables, I’ll take the two kinds of variables.
7.2.2 What Should Have Been Left Out?
Even [Stroustrup,1980a] voiced concern that C with Classes might have become too large. I
think ‘‘a smaller language’’ is number one on any wish list for C++; yet people deluge me and the
standards committee with extension proposals. The fundamental reason for the size of C++ is that
it supports more than one way of writing programs, more than one programming paradigm. From
one point of view C++ is really three languages in one: A C− like language plus an Ada− like language, plus a Simula− like language, plus what it takes to integrate those features into a coherent
Brian Kernighan observes that in C there is usually about one way of solving a given problem
whereas, in C++ there are more. I conjecture that there typically are more than one way in C but
that people don’t see them. In C++, there are typically at least three alternatives and experienced
people have quite a hard time not seeing them. There always is a design choice but in most languages the language designer has made the choice for you. For C++ I did not; the choice is yours.
This is naturally abhorrent to people who believe that there is exactly one right way of doing
things. It can also scare beginners and teachers that feel that a good language is one that you can
completely understand in a week. C++ is not such a language. It was designed to provide a tool
set for a professional and complaining that there are too many features is like the ‘‘layman’’ looking into an upholsterer’s tool chest and exclaiming that there couldn’t possibly be a need for all of
those little hammers.
7.2.3 What Should Have Been Added?
As ever, the principle is to add as little as possible. A letter published on behalf of the extensions
working group of the C++ standards committee puts it this way [Stroustrup,1992b]:
‘‘First, let us try to dissuade you from proposing an extension to the C++ language. C++ is
already too large and complicated for our taste and there are millions of lines of C++ code
‘‘out there’’ that we endeavor not to break. All changes to the language must undergo
Stroustrup – 50 – A History of C++
tremendous consideration. Additions to it are undertaken with great trepidation. Wherever
possible we prefer to see programming techniques and library functions used as alternatives to
language extensions.
Many communities of programmers want to see their favorite language construct or library
class propagated into C++. Unfortunately, adding useful features from diverse communities
could turn C++ into a set of incoherent features. C++ is not perfect, but adding features could
easily make it worse instead of better.’’
So, given that, what features have caused trouble by their absence and which are under debate so
that they might make it into C++ over the next couple of years? The feature I regret not having
put in much earlier when it could be done without formal debate and experimentation was easy is
some form of name space control†. C++ follows C in having a single global name space. C++
alleviates the problems that causes with class scopes and overloading mechanisms, but as programs grow and especially as independent libraries are developed and later used together in a single program the problem of name space clashes increases. My only defense is that I didn’t like
the resolution mechanisms I looked at, such as Ada packages and Modula− 2 modules, because
they had too great overlap with the C++ class mechanism and thus didn’t fit.
In the original C++ design, I deliberately didn’t include the Simula mechanisms for run− time
type identification (QUA and INSPECT). My experience was that they were almost always misused, so that the benefits from having the mechanism would be outweighed by the disadvantages.
Several proposals for providing some form of run− time type identification have arisen over the
years and the focus is now on a proposal for dynamic casts – that is, type conversions that are
checked at run time – by Dmitry Lenkov and me [Stroustrup,1992a]. Like other extension proposals it is going through extensive discussion and experimentation and is unlikely to be accepted
in the form presented in that paper†.
7.3 What Was The Biggest Mistake?
To my mind there really is only one contender for the title of ‘‘worst mistake.’’ Release 1.0 and
my first edition [Stroustrup,1986b] should have been delayed until a larger library including some
simple classes such as singly and doubly linked lists, an associative array class, a range checked
array class, and a simple string class could have been included. The absence of those led to
everybody re− inventing the wheel and to an unnecessary diversity in the most fundamental
classes. However, could I have done that? In a sense, I obviously could. The original plan for
my book included three library chapters, one on the stream library, one on the container classes,
and one on the task library, so I knew roughly what I wanted. Unfortunately, I was too tired and
couldn’t do container classes without some form of templates.
7.4 Hopes for the Future
May C++ serve its user community well. For that to happen, the language itself must be stable
and well− specified. The C++ standards group and the C++ compiler vendors have a great responsibility here.
In addition to the language itself, we need libraries. Actually, we need a libraries industry to
produce, distribute, maintain, and educate people. This is emerging. The challenge is to allow
programs to be composed out of libraries from different vendors. This is hard and might need
some support from the standards committee in the form of standard classes and mechanisms that
ease the use of independently developed libraries†.
† A facility for defining and using name spaces was introduced into C++ in 1994; see [Stroustrup,1994].
† After extensive discussion and revision, a mechanism for run− time type information based on this proposal was accepted in 1993; see [Stroustrup,1994].
† The standard library now provides containers and algorithms serving this need.
Stroustrup – 51 – A History of C++
The language itself plus the libraries define the language that a user de facto writes in. However, only through good understanding of the application areas and design techniques will the language and library features be put to good use. Thus there must be an emphasis on teaching people effective design techniques and good programming practices. Many of the techniques we
need have still to be developed and many of the best techniques we do have still compete with
plain ignorance and snake oil. I hope for far better textbooks for the C++ language and for programming and design techniques, and especially for textbooks that emphasize the connection
between language features, good programming practices, and good design approaches.
Techniques, languages, and libraries must be supported by tools. The days of C++ programming supported by simply a ‘‘naked’’ compiler are almost over and the best C++ tools and environments are beginning to approach the power and convenience of the best tools and environments for any language. We can do much better. The best has yet to come.
8 Acknowledgements
It is clear that given the number of people who have contributed to C++ in some form or other
over the last 12 years or so, I must have left most unmentioned. Some have been mentioned in
this paper, more can be found in §1.2c of the ARM, and other acknowledgement sections of my
books and papers. Here I’ll just mention Doug McIlroy, Brian Kernighan, Andrew Koenig, and
Jonathan Shopiro who have provided constant help, ideas, and encouragement to me and others
for a decade.
I’d also like to mention the people who have done much of the hard, but usually unnoticed and
unacknowledged work of developing and supporting Cfront through the years when we were
always short of resources: Steve Dewhurst, Laura Eaves, Andrew Koenig, Stan Lippman, George
Logothetis, Glen McClusky, Judy Ward, Nancy Wilkinson, and Barbara Moo who managed
AT&T Bell Lab’s C++ development and support group during the years when the work got done.
Also thanks to C++ compiler writers, library writers, etc. who sent me information about their
compilers and tools – most of which went beyond what could be presented in a paper: Mike Ball,
Walter Bright, Keith Gorlen, Steve Johnson, Kim Knuttilla, Archie Lachner, Doug Lea, Mark
Linton, Aron Insinga, Doug Lea, Dmitri Lenkov, Jerry Schwarz, Michael Tiemann, and Mike
Also thanks to people who read drafts of this paper and provided many constructive comments: Dag Br. .
uck, Steve Buroff, Peter Juhl, Brian Kernighan, Andrew Koenig, Stan Lippmann,
Barbara Moo, Jerry Schwarz, and Jonathan Shopiro.
Most comments on the various versions of this paper were of the form ‘‘This paper is too long
… please add information about X, Y, and Z … also be more detailed about A, B, and C.’’ I have
tried to follow the first part of that advice, though the constraints of the second part have ensured
that this did not become a short paper. Without Brian Kernighan’s help this paper would have
been much longer.
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